The Role of Technology in Tourism and Health Services for Accessibility in Service Management


  • Fahriye Altinay Near East University, Nicosia, Graduate School of Educational Sciences
  • Gokmen Dagli Near East University, University of Kyrenia, Faculty of Education
  • Mehmet Altinay Prof. Dr., University of Kyrenia, Kyrenia
  • Zehra Altinay Near East University, Nicosia, Graduate School of Educational Sciences, Faculty of Education, Societal Research and Development Center



economy, health, disability, service, strategy, technology, tourism


As technology connects people and makes life easier, it is crucial to conduct smart societies by facilitating qualified services. The research study aims to evaluate accessibility in health and tourism services. Qualitative research design is employed that 100 research participants reflect their experiences. Thematic analysis was conducted to analyze qualitative data. It is revealed that accessibility needs to be improved in the society for disability. There is an intensified need to enhance tourism and health services through accessibility. In this respect, technology integration to the health and tourism services for the quality of life is strategic policy for the welfare of the citizens and accessible society.

Author Biography

Mehmet Altinay, Prof. Dr., University of Kyrenia, Kyrenia

Prof. Dr., University of Kyrenia, Kyrenia


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How to Cite

Altinay, F., Dagli, G., Altinay, M., & Altinay, Z. (2019). The Role of Technology in Tourism and Health Services for Accessibility in Service Management. Postmodern Openings, 10(4), 01-07.



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