Quantitative and Qualitative in Measuring Quality of Life in Sports


  • Mihaela PAUNESCU N.U.P.E.S., Bucharest, Romania
  • Vasilica GRIGORE N.U.P.E.S., Bucharest, Romania
  • Georgeta MITRACHE N.U.P.E.S., Bucharest, Romania
  • Alexandra PREDOIU N.U.P.E.S., Bucharest, Romania
  • Radu PREDOIU N.U.P.E.S., Bucharest, Romania




Quality of life, team sports, individual sports, weighted satisfaction, raw score of QoLI


The quality of life of individuals, groups and communities depends on many factors, starting with what each person and family undertake, continuing with the interventions at the community level and ending with the public policy measures. Purpose: This study makes a quantitative and qualitative analysis of overall quality of life as perceived by young people who practice sports, and it also highlights the differences in perception of the quality of life among youth, according to gender and the sport practiced (individual or team sport), for the 16 life domains. Methods: The participants were 69 athletes. Quality of life has been measured using the Quality of Life Inventory (QoLI) for Romania, developed by Michael B. Frisch. Results: After processing the data, it has been found that the highest weighted satisfaction is obtained for Goals and Values, Play, Health and Self-Esteem, and the lowest satisfaction is recorded for Children, Money, Community and Neighborhood. Statistical processing also reveals an average overall quality of life for the study participants, regardless of gender and the practiced sport. Conclusions: It has been concluded that the influence of practicing individual sports on the overall quality of life for the participants in the study is at a higher level than in team sports.

Author Biographies

Mihaela PAUNESCU, N.U.P.E.S., Bucharest, Romania

N.U.P.E.S., Bucharest, Romania

Vasilica GRIGORE, N.U.P.E.S., Bucharest, Romania

N.U.P.E.S., Bucharest, Romania

Georgeta MITRACHE, N.U.P.E.S., Bucharest, Romania

N.U.P.E.S., Bucharest, Romania

Alexandra PREDOIU, N.U.P.E.S., Bucharest, Romania

N.U.P.E.S., Bucharest, Romania

Radu PREDOIU, N.U.P.E.S., Bucharest, Romania

N.U.P.E.S., Bucharest, Romania


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How to Cite

PAUNESCU, M., GRIGORE, V., MITRACHE, G., PREDOIU, A., & PREDOIU, R. (2018). Quantitative and Qualitative in Measuring Quality of Life in Sports. Revista Romaneasca Pentru Educatie Multidimensionala, 10(1), 95-108. https://doi.org/10.18662/rrem/21

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