e-ISSN: 2067-8177
COVERED IN: EBSCO (EBSCO Open Access Business and Economics Collection, EBSCO Open Access Journals); RePEc (Ideas, EconPapers); DOAJ; Ulrich’s; IndexCopernicus; getCITED; Google Academic; Socionet.ru; NewJour; Sherpa/Romeo; Socolar; WorldCat; KVK; J-Gate
Current issue – Archive – Submit a paper
The first issue of journal BRAND. Broad Research in Accounting, Negotiation and Distribution was published in 2010. In 2011, 2013 and 2017 it published two issues per year, and in the other years it published one issue per year, further proposing to publish one issue per year, plus one or two additional issues.
BRAND -BROAD RESEARCH IN ACCOUNTING, NEGOTIATION AND DISTRIBUTION – The aim of the journal is to make an agora of different experts in economy, social and political sciences. We expect articles from experts in different scientific and practical fields, like accounting, marketing, management, economy, trade, finaces, operational research, optimization, graph theory, game theory, voting, political communication, sociology etc.