We are looking for experiences of professionals from public administration fields who are facing the new pandemic times daily in their professions. What challenges are public administration and economic agents facing in their practice in the new economic context created.generated by the new Coronavirus pandemic?
L.U.M.E.N Economics and Administrative Sciences (open access journal, indexed in ERIH Plus and other important international databases) launches the Call for special issue “Challenges for Public Administration and Economic Agents in Time of Pandemics”
We invite both practitioners and theoreticians, researchers in the field of economics and administrative sciences to share their experiences/ ideas/ new knowledge related to the impact of the pandemic in economy and public administration areas.
- economic damage as short-term fiscal shocks
- long-term negative shocks to economic growth
- negative impact on businesses
- impact of the pandemics in public health
- social services management in time of pandemics
- before and after pandemics economy
These are just some of the potential topics that can be addressed.
Both short communications (3-5 pages) and full articles (10- 15 pages) are expected in English language, authored of maximum 2-3 authors.
The deadline is April 30th, 2020. Papers submitted by this date will be peer reviewed and scheduled for publication in a special 2020 issue of the journal.
The communications accepted at publication in this issue benefit from the partial reduction of the open access fee (50 euro/paper – reduced from 150 euro). Go to the journal website, create your account and upload your work in the newly created account.
Propose your communication for Special issue at
Deadline | April 30th, 2020
The editorial team of L.U.M.E.N EAS Journal/ Logos Universality Mentality Education Novelty: Economics & Administrative Sciences Journal and LUMEN Publishing House has the privilege to invite scholars around the world to publish their research papers on social sciences and related fields, in our journal, in 2020.
The journal addresses the academic community across the world, especially expressing its openness for promoting young researchers.
L.U.M.E.N EAS Journal has a multidisciplinary orientation and publishes theoretical and practical papers covering topics from the universe of social sciences. See the topics here
All papers will be submitted on the journal’s platform, at:
https://lumenpublishing.com/journals/index.php/lumeneas/user/register (create an account and submit your paper).
All the papers should comply with the author’s guideline and the guideline for publication ethics.
The L.U.M.E.N EAS Journal appears in Golden Open Access system, so the authors and/or their affiliation institutions are kindly required to pay open access fees (only for finally accepted for publication articles). The open-access fee allows to any interested person to have access to the papers.
Journal covered in | ERIH PLUS, HeinOnline, CEEOL, CrossRef, CrossCheck, J-GATE, WorldCat, KVK, Google Scholar, Ideas RePeC, Econpapers, Socionet.
The scholars interested in serving as reviewer or in the Scientific Committee of the L.U.M.E.N Economics & Administrative Sciences Journal are kindly asked to subscribe to the journal and select the option to be reviewer on our platform, at: https://lumenpublishing.com/journals/index.php/lumenpeas/user/register and send an email to edituralumen@gmail.com that contains an Intention Letter and a CV of the potential reviewer / scientific committee member.
In order to be accepted as reviewer, the applicant must have a PhD in one of the fields from Social Sciences or at least to be a PhD candidate in these fields.
For being listed in the Scientific Committee of the journal, a reviewer should have a PhD in the above-mentioned fields and have previously published at least two articles in indexed in WoS journals, including LUMEN journals, and have a WoS H factor at least 2.
The reviewers or the Scientific Committee members will act voluntarily for the journal (no retribution will be paid from the part of LUMEN Scientific Publishing House ), but they will receive LUMEN credits that could further be used for obtaining a discount in publication in all LUMEN journals.
The scholars who want to serve as Guest Editors for a special or normal issue of the Journal are invited to send us a proposal of an issue topic (that should match the general topic of the journal) and a description of the issue (the estimated topics of the articles and the number of articles that are estimated to be published in the issue).
If the issue is the result of a conference, then the proposal should include the organizer of the conference, the location, date and the estimated number of participants at the conference, the estimated number of the papers that intend to be published (no more than 25 and no less than 15 per issue).
The guest editor will manage the process of acceptance of the papers for the special issue and the peer review process, assisted by a designated LUMEN editor. The acceptance process as well as the peer review process will take place on the LUMEN platform, if the editorial contract will not mention otherwise.
The LUMEN editor reserves the right to refuse one or more articles that don‘t fully respect the editorial or ethical guidelines of our journal, including avoiding plagiarism, clear statements concerning ethics on human subjects research and so on.
The special issue containing at least 15 papers could benefit of a discount of open access fee for the guest editor and/or for some or all the papers, according to the negotiations between the LUMEN committee and the guest editor.
The guest editor will receive credits for his/her activity.
In order to be qualified as guest editor, a scholar should have PhD in the field of the special issue and at least 4 H factor in WoS for educational/social sciences field or at least 2 H factor for other fields.If the issue is the result of a conference, the journal and LUMEN Scientific Publishing House should be included in the partnership of the conference.