LUMEN – a scientific and cultural community that grows more and more beautiful every year, through the interhuman relationships that it cultivates and develops, through the extraordinary actions carried out each time with passion and the confidence that they will be a success.
Today, February 19, 2020, LUMEN turns 19 and step on its 20th year of existence!
Today we celebrate with you the success of the LUMEN community and we will share our agenda for the coming year. It is an agenda full of editorial, scientific, cultural events, which support the promotion of young researchers in research-innovation activities, support the cultural and educational progress of each LUMEN reader, but also the development of an informed and culturalized community.
See bellow some of our events
# We grow larger | An international LUMEN – LUMEN Media Ltd., London, UK.
LUMEN continues to internationalize its activity through the British branch – LUMEN Media Ltd., London, UK. We develop our international character together with the British branch and we internationalize the services of publishing and organizing scientific events, LUMEN Media Ltd. being a co-organizer in our scientific events and a publishing partner with international recognition.
Through LUMEN Media Ltd., LUMEN books written in English benefit, at the request of the authors, of the British ISBN also, provided by The Nielsen ISBN Agency for UK – thus becoming a facilitator in the international dissemination of our volumes.
# February– December2020 | Republishing Programme of the best received by the public volumes
The Republishing Programme of the best received by the public volumes started in November 2019 and so far 16 volumes have been republished.
If you are already the author of LUMEN Scientific Publishing House , and your volume is among the best received volumes in our editorial offer, then you can be one of the authors whose volumes will be part of this program.T
hroughout the whole year, we publish in an improved version volumes requested by our audience.
The reprinted volumes will also be included LUMEN – Ingram distribution program and proposed for purchase at over 27,000 physical and online bookstores and libraries worldwide.
# February 2020 | LUMEN goes Global with INGRAM
Starting with February 2020, LUMEN Scientific Publishing House has established a partnership with Ingram Content Group. Thus, through the Ingram Database and Global Connect Program, LUMEN books included in the LUMEN – Ingram Program are made available to the most important libraries and bookstores in the world, including Amazon, Barnes & Noble, etc.
Ingram Content Group is the largest book seller worldwide, which will make it possible to distribute LUMEN books in the United States, Australia and across Europe, in all formats, printed and digitally, to reach readers across the world, easy, fast and with competitive costs. The Ingram ordering platform allows us to place LUMEN books with demand on the international market, reducing the distance between us and our readers.
Over 27,000 online and physical bookstore chains and libraries worldwide will be constantly informed about LUMEN books, which will be available for distribution to these libraries through Ingram. We will return soon with details about the LUMEN – Ingram Program.
#February/March 2020 | relansing of LUMEN’s most successful editorial programmes
#1. The LUMEN Promoting Young Researchers Program is aimed at supporting young people up to 35 years old who wish to make their own research known, by publishing it in a publishing house that supports young researchers and supports scientific excellence, since 2001. In 2020, within the Promotion Program of the Young Researchers, we offer to the young applicants another 2 niches of publication, focusing on the selections of the book written in English and doctoral theses – in specific fields, selected by references based on the scientific value and their classification in areas with real potential on market. So far, within this program, over 200 book titles have been published at LUMEN Scientific Publishing House by some young, valuable researchers from Romania, the Republic of Moldova, Belgium, England, the United States of America, France, the Netherlands.
#2. The LUMEN Scientific Book Program – proposals for evaluation manuscripts for publication are expected – scientific books, resulting from research activity, individual or collective, in the fields of social work, ethics, sociology, politics, psychology, philosophy, legal sciences, economic sciences, linguistics, literature, history, marketing and communication, European studies, journalism. The release of the Program is conditioned by the financer’s agenda – the Ministry of Research and Innovation, the Subsidy Program of the Technical-Scientific Literature.
#3. LUMEN Cultural Book Program – LUMEN Scientific Publishing House will launch a new culture book selection session, including short prose volumes, lyrics and critical editions, as well as volumes in the field of social and humanities, proposed for publication through the LUMEN Cultural Book Program. Interested authors can submit projects on one of the following sections: Books: – short prose volumes; – books in the socio-human field; – contemporary art books, including art albums; Poetry: – debut volume; – literature-visual arts dialogue; – anthologies; Critical editions: – works that prove the theoretical and methodological consistency, – works that prove the relevance of the theme in the current cultural context.
In the selection, the novelty of the theme will be appreciated, the brevity, the precision and the quality of the writing, the critical apparatus, the bibliography, the interest towards the theme.
These programs are developed on the basis of the co-financing principle, LUMEN Association covering up to 100% of the costs related to the editing costs for at least 10 selected works / from each program.
Follow the LUMEN Scientific Publishing House page to be informed about the agenda of the Funding Book Publishing Programs. Keep in touch with us, send an email to edituralumen@gmail.com and ask for detail
# Aprili – December 2020 | LUMEN books in international and national book fairs
- Bookfest International Book Fair, 15th edition (27 – 31 May 2020, ROMEXPO)
- Bookfest Chisinau, 5th edition (2 – 6 September 2020)
- Bookfest Cluj-Napoca, 9th edition (17 – 20 September 2020)
- Librex Book Fair (May 13-17, 2020, Iasi, Romania)
- The Fair of Books and Fine Arts Gutenberg’s Ark, (November 2020, Iasi, Romania)
- GAUDEAMUS Cluj-Napoca, 21st edition (April 1 – 5, Unirii Square)
- GAUDEAMUS Oradea, 7th edition (6 – 10 May, Unirii Square)
- GAUDEAMUS Timisoara, 12th edition (May 20 – 24, Piata Libertatii)
- GAUDEAMUS Litoral, 12th edition (July 31 – August 4, Pearl Plateau, Mamaia)
- GAUDEAMUS Brasov, 3rd edition
- GAUDEAMUS Iasi, II edition
- GAUDEAMUS Radio Romania, XXVII edition (November 18-22, Bucharest, Romexpo)
# March 2020 | LUMEN launches a fidelity program to reward loyalty
The program is addressed to all LUMEN collaborators, as book authors, authors of scientific articles in journals or collective volumes/proceedings, scientific reviewers actively involved in the scientific evaluation processes, guest editors in LUMEN journals, participants in international scientific LUMEN events, moderators of sections within LUMEN scientific events, Keynotes in LUMEN scientific events.
The reward will consist in giving bonuses for the previous contributions of our collaborators, and offering reductions applied to future LUMEN activities.
Stay connected to our communications for more information.
Soon the system will be publicly available.
# May 2020 | the 14 edition of LUMEN International Scientific Conference Rethinking Social Action. Core Values in Practice
LUMEN Association, LUMEN Conference Center, together with co-organizers and partners announce the 14th LUMEN International Scientific Conference Rethinking Social Action. Core Values in Practice | RSACVP 2020, 22-23 May 2020, Iasi, Romania.
Propose your abstract, workshop or plenary speech.
See here the main topics! Submit your abstract |
Hurry up! Early registration deadline: February 28th, 2020
Publication of full papers will be made in partnership with LUMEN Journals – open access peer reviewed journals. All journals are published online, open-access, all papers being identified with DOI (indexed in Crossref).
Web of Science indexed partner journals: Postmodern Openings, Revista Romaneasca pentru Educatie Multidimensionala, BRAIN. Broad Research in Artificial Intelligence and Neuroscience.
Consult http://conferinta.info/7385-2/ to see the reduced open access fees for the publication in these journals.