Category: Continuous education
Educational management and quality in education – Cristian Mihail RUS, Laura Maria CARSTEA, Antonela Cristina SOFRONIA, Puiu Petrica SOFRONIA (editors)
Educational management and quality in education – Cristian Mihail RUS, Laura Maria CARSTEA, Antonela Cristina SOFRONIA, Puiu Petrica SOFRONIA (editors) educational management and quality in education romanian edition. original title managementul educational si calitatea in educatie cristian mihail rus, laura maria carstea, antonela cristina sofronia, puiu petrica sofronia editors lumen cop
Educational management in the classroom and in school – Cristian Mihail RUS, Laura Maria CARSTEA, Antonela Cristina SOFRONIA, Puiu Petrica SOFRONIA (editors)
Educational management in the classroom and in school – Cristian Mihail RUS, Laura Maria CARSTEA, Antonela Cristina SOFRONIA, Puiu Petrica SOFRONIA (editors) educational management in the classroom and in school romanian edition. original title managementul educational la clasa si in scoala cristian mihail rus, laura maria carstea, antonela cristina sofronia, puiu petrica sofronia editors lumen
Educational management in the context of legislative changes – Cristian Mihail RUS, Laura Maria CARSTEA, Antonela Cristina SOFRONIA, Puiu Petrica SOFRONIA (editors)
Educational management in the context of legislative changes – Cristian Mihail RUS, Laura Maria CARSTEA, Antonela Cristina SOFRONIA, Puiu Petrica SOFRONIA (editors) educational management in the context of legislative changes romanian edition. original title managementul educational in contextul schimbarilor legislative cristian mihail rus, laura maria carstea, antonela cristina sofronia, puiu petrica sofroni
Vol. 12 | 4th international scientific conference SEC-IASR 2019 – Simona MARIN, Petronel MOISESCU (editors)
4th international scientific conference SEC-IASR 2019 – Simona MARIN, Petronel MOISESCU (editors) 4th international scientific conference sec-iasr 2019 simona marin, petronel moisescu editors lumen copyright © 2020 conference proceedings book series format paperback language english issn print 2601 – 2510 issn on-l
Education in Contemporary Society. Applications. ICSED2015 – Otilia CLIPA, Gabriel CRAMARIUC (coordinators)
Education in Contemporary Society. Applications. ICSED2015 – Otilia CLIPA, Gabriel CRAMARIUC (coordinators) education in contemporary society. applications. isced2015 otilia clipa, gabriel cramariuc coordinators lumen copyright © 2015 conference proceedings book series format paperback pages 405 language english isbn 9
The Influences of the Psycho-Social-Economic Factors on the Management and the Entrepreneurial Culture – Alina STANCOVICI
The Influences of the Psycho-Social-Economic Factors on the Management and the Entrepreneurial Culture – Alina STANCOVICI the influences of the psycho-social-economic factors on the management and the entrepreneurial culture romanian edition. original title influentele factorilor psiho-socio-economici asupra managementului si culturii antreprenoriale alina stancovici
Inter/Trans-Religious Education at School – Theoretical and Methodical Benchmarks for the Implementation of a Complex Religious Educational Paradigm – Felix GODEANU
Inter/Trans-Religious Education at School – Theoretical and Methodical Benchmarks for the Implementation of a Complex Religious Educational Paradigm – Felix GODEANU intertrans-religious education at school – theoretical and methodical benchmarks for the implementation of a complex religious educational paradigm romanian edition. original title educatia intertransreligioasa in scoala – repere teoretice si met
Modalities of Family and Psycho-Social-Educational Development of Children in Difficulty in the Family-Substitute Environment and the Residential-Institutional Environment – Cristinel ROSCA
Modalities Of Family And Psycho-Social-Educational Development Of Children In Difficulty In The Family-Substitute Environment And The Residential-Institutional Environment – Cristinel ROSCA modalities of family and psycho-social-educational development of children in difficulty in the family-substitute environment and the residential-institutional environment romanian edition. original title modalitati de dezvoltare familiala si
Continuous Training Of Personnel From Pre-University Education – Felix GODEANU, Dorin ROSCAN
Continuous Training Of Personnel From Pre-University Education – Felix GODEANU, Dorin ROSCAN continuous training of personnel from pre-university education romanian edition. original title formarea continua a personalului din invatamantul preuniversitar felix godeanu, dorin roscan lumen copyright © 2010 multidimensional education b