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Because   FOR 19 YEARS WE MAKE THE IMPOSSIBLE POSSIBLE,  we have demonstrated how the quality imposes itself, by carefully selecting the titles, we have shown that we are not afraid to be innovative, supporting the new directions in science, and we have imposed respect for experience in traditional research fields.

Because   FOR 19 YEARS  WE HAVE VISION,  we contributed to the improvement of quality standards in social, scientific and cultural domains, promoting research ethics, scientific collaboration and academic value.

Because   FOR 19 YEARS  WE HAVE BECOME A REFERENCE STANDARD  in the scientific and cultural community, due to the diversity of publishing domains and the impressive number of authors who joined our vision, publishing monographs, treatises, theses, university courses, volumes of short prose, novels and volumes of poetry with LUMEN.

WE,   LUMEN Scientific Publishing House AND OUR AUTHORS,   today offer to you, our readers7 BOOK SERIES, which accumulate titles from the most varied fields of knowledge and art, and which reflect our constant concern to bring to you titles on topical issues, inter- or multi-disciplinary works and quality literature for the mind and spirit.

Publish your work with LUMEN Colectia Law


It includes a selection of titles for a society that is constantly adapting to times, change, novelty, to the trends of a dynamic evolution, in an era of globalization, of multistate bodies and of international integration organizations. It is one of the most appreciated collections of LUMEN Scientific Publishing House , as it includes titles from all the classical fields of law, but also from emerging fields, such as biodiversity, and brings to the attention of the readers studies of doctrine, synthesis of jurisprudence, commented legislation, compendiums of theories and controversies, systemic analyzes, expositions on the history of law, etc.

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Publish your work with LUMEN Colectia Social Development


It is a collection about social evolution, starting from the mechanisms of changing mentalities through individual development and value promotion, about understanding the factors that fundamentally influence human groups and society at the macro level. It is the collection that most accurately reflects LUMEN’s vision of the role of science: to lead to a society centered on values, to a development based on ethics, to a healthy recreation and re-adaptation of social mechanisms, on all levels of society: political, administrative, sociological, social psychology, communication, etc.

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Publish your work with LUMEN Colectia Cultural dimensions


It will bring to your libraries a surprising and original compilation of titles, at the same time being a collection about the values of the past, in which the present is a moment that marks the difference between remembering and forgetting, repudiating or redeeming the past, as well as about the future that the present builds, through culture, philosophy, art, spirituality and history. It is the collection that creates a portrait of the LUMEN spirit, a collection about vision, plus-value and unity in diversity.

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Publish your work with LUMEN Colectia Multidimensional educationa


There is a responsibility of science beyond the immediate benefits it brings to society, that is to pass on knowledge from generation to generation, and with that, to form characters and to inspire wisdom. This is a book collection that folds on the responsibility that LUMEN assumes towards its readers, that of coming to the support of young generations, by promoting works of a didactic-educational character that actively seek methods adapted to current times, context-sensitive and beneficiary-centered.

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Publish your work with LUMEN LUMEN Proceedings


Editorial longevity is a guarantee of quality. LUMEN Proceedings began its activity in 2010. The universality of science has imposed the policy of open access publishing, as it was the intention of LUMEN and our collaborators to make science available to all interested. The editorial maturity resides in the tradition that LUMEN Scientific Publishing House , in collaboration with LUMEN Conference Center and LUMEN Research Center in Social and Humanistic Sciences, has in organizing large scientific events, resulting in the publication of proceedings indexed in the most prestigious international databases. . Ethics in publishing is a principle that characterizes our activity, LUMEN Scientific Publishing House being a member of COPE (Committee on Publication Ethics).

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Publish your work with LUMEN Handbook of research


It is the newest book collection of LUMEN Scientific Publishing House , launched in 2018. In this collection you will find volumes that bring together syntheses, literature reviews, micro-researches, theoretical debates in innovative fields of science, or emerging theories, which are noted internationally. as new directions of analysis and research towards the scientific mainstream. The collection aims at the field of social and humanistic sciences and aims to promote, boldly, innovativeness and originality in research.

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Publish your work with LUMEN Colectia PoetryFiction


Emotion, artistic exaltation, sensations, the whole amalgam of human feelings settled in lines of poetry and prose, written by our authors from their soul, with their soul …. for the soul. This presents to our readers an imaginative LUMEN, authentic living and free spirit. Do not be afraid to dream, to embrace life with its experiences and experiences, to enjoy every moment and to transform your free moments into reading hours gained together with great books.

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Publish your work with LUMEN Colectia Other booksA number of Books outside collections are included in the editorial editorial offer of LUMEN Scientific Publishing House , volumes which were noted for their value and interest to readers, so LUMEN Scientific Publishing House wanted to make them available to its public.

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