Cultural Dimensions Book Series

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The CULTURAL DIMENSIONS Book Series aims to publish books in the fields of: cultural studies, universal, modern and contemporary history, historiography, art history, history of ideas, social, political and military history, collective memory, anthropology, British, American, Jewish, Islamic cultural studies etc., museology, museography and sciences of collections, bibliology, ethnology, philosophy, myths, rituals, symbolic representations and religious studies, philosophy of religion, cultural heritage, visual arts, performing arts.

It is a book series about the resizing and repositioning of the individual in relation to himself and the surrounding world, achieved through the use of artistic perception, history lessons and the search for the beautiful, the aesthetic. A book series about the descent of man into himself and about the elevation of man above the self, about depth and at the same time about the general, global, unitary, integrative vision. A book series on humanity and people, their history, thoughts and ideas and what they can create beautifully for themselves and others, not only for what they are, but especially for what they will be.

The CULTURAL DIMENSIONS Book Series publishes scientific books in the fields indicated above, in accordance with the Editorial Rules of LUMEN Scientific Publishing House .


Publish your work with LUMEN maxim sorin tudorBOOK SERIES COORDINATOR – PROF. PhD. SORIN TUDOR MAXIM -Full professor at Stefan cel Mare University in Suceava, Romania, where he teaches Moral Philosophy, Deontology of the profession of social worker, Political Sciences, Introduction to European studies. Sorin Tudor Maxim is a member of the Research Center for Youth Issues (CCPT), and its vice president and scientific secretary until 1989 of Suceava Branch, founding member of the International Scientific and Cultural Foundation “Ştefan Lupaşcu”, member of the Franco-Romanian Institute “Liviu Rebreanu”, Lyon, France, member of the Franco-Romanian Cultural Society “Nicolae Titulescu”, Lyon, France, since 1992, member of the Romanian Society of Philosophy since 2008, vice president and founding member of the Romanian Society of Philosophy, Engineering and Technoethics (SRFIT) since 2009. Among the research interests of the author are: consciousness and moral responsibility, logic, argumentation theory, political science, philosophy of science, the phenomenon of globalization.

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Publish your work with LUMEN poza ana frunzaBOOK SERIES EDITOR IN THE FIELD OF PHILOSOPHY – ASSOC. LECT. PhD. ANA FRUNZA -Ana Frunză obtained the title of Doctor of Philosophy from Al. I. Cuza University from Iaşi, Romania in 2014, with the thesis “Towards a new ethical expertise. Deconstructing ethical values”. She is rank III Scientific Researcher at LUMEN Research Center in Social and Humanistic Sciences from Iaşi, Romania. Her main areas of interest are applied ethics, applied philosophy, social work, supervision of social services, ethics of scientific research, bioethics and ethical expertise. As a Fellowship Researcher in an Advanced Program in Research Ethics, conducted by the Union Graduate College Center for Bioethics and Clinical Leadership (Schenectady, New York) in partnership with the Department of Medical History and Ethics of Vilnius University, she graduated courses of “International Bioethics”, “International Research Ethics”, “Research Ethics” (2016). A significant part of her scientific research revolves around the construction of frameworks for the development of ethical expertise in the field of social services, seeking through a methodology based on deconstructivism, originated in Derridian philosophy, the development of a new model of ethical expertise – ethical supervision. The research undertaken so far is based, in addition to reflection on ethical expertise in the field of social services practice, on the attempt to identify the constitutive ethical values of social practice, and on the promotion of ethical expertise through various application models. In the field of research ethics, her scientific efforts have corroborated the activities carried out during the Advanced Research Ethics Program, followed in 2014-2015, supported by Fogarty International Center, National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences, National Heart Lung and Blood Institute, National Institute on Drug Abuse, USA. In this program she carried out the research project “Informed Consent between Theory and Practice in North – Eastern Region of Romania Medical Research Field”, within the LUMEN Research Center in Social and Humanistic Sciences, Iasi, Romania. She is an associate lecturer at the “Ştefan cel Mare” University of Suceava, Faculty of Law and Administrative Sciences, Romania.

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Publish your work with LUMEN ana craciunescuBOOK SERIES EDITOR IN THE FIELD OF PHILOLOGY – ASSOC. ASSIST. PhD. ANA CRACIUNESCU -She is an associated assistant professor within Stefan cel Mare University of Suceava, Faculty of Letters and Communication Sciences, a double bachelor, in communication and public relations, as well as in letters, English-French specialization, holds two master’s degrees in the fields of Management of trade, tourism and services companies, as well as British Culture and Civilization in the Context of Globalization, and since 2016 he has a PhD in philology – magna cum laudae, with a thesis entitled Semi-discursive strategies in tourism advertising. Her research interests focus on the social-semiological perspective of the discourse in the globalized and virtualized society, the discursive aspects in the field of advertising in tourism, the discursive dimensions of urban identity.

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Publish your work with LUMEN poza elena unguruBOOK SERIES EDITOR IN THE FIELD OF HISTORY – PhD. ELENA UNGURU (GAFTON) – PhD in sociology, a title obtained in July 2019 with the thesis “The social construction of supervision in social work. Research in child protection institutions in the N-E region of Romania ”, under the leadership of Prof. PhD. Antonio Sandu. She obtained a master’s degree in Supervision and Social Planning (2010) within Al. I. Cuza University from Iaşi. She has a degree in Law (2014), awarded by “Ștefan cel Mare” University of Suceava. She has a degree in Social Work (2008), awarded by Al. I. Cuza University from Iaşi. She has several diplomas in the fields of Trainer, Project Manager, Assistant in Public Relations and Communication, Evaluator of Providers and Training Programs and Certified Training Manager C.N.F.P.A. She currently works as a legal advisor at the Lumen Association in Iasi, coordinator of the Lumen Training and Consulting Center, as well as a researcher at the Lumen Research Center in Social and Humanistic Sciences. Her areas of interest are: sociology, law, social work, communication, appreciative survey. As a researches within the Lumen Research Center in Social and Humanistic Sciences, she participated in the organization of conferences for Lumen Association, participated in conferences under the affiliation of Lumen Research Center in Social and Humanistic Sciences and published books and articles in specialized journals. She is a member of the editorial staff or a referent of over 8 WOS or BDI indexed international journals.

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