About timeless times – Manuela RUSU

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Romanian edition. Original title: DESPRE VREMURI FARA TIMP

Manuela RUSU

LUMEN – Copyright © 2008SOCIAL DEVELOPMENT Book Series

FORMAT: Paperback         PAGES: 103          LANGUAGE: Romanian

ISBN: 978-973-166-089-9

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In the tumult of the present and the daily running, between a business meeting and a personal one, people “clash” generically and conjuncturally, and the relations between them are consolidated or pulverized. There are so many factors that influence relationships between people and so few relationships that really survive time and lack of time that everyone’s emotional capital suffers. I met people and forgot I met them. I met people and the relationship faded over time. There are still people close to me and I close to them, and we make an effort not to get lost. But we happen to lose ourselves in the promise that we will spend more time together, that we will be close to the concrete way and not to the idea-abstract one, that we are significant and we count for each other. Sometimes I wonder if promises were not invented just to hide from the inevitable. At other times, I find that another week has passed in which I have spoken more on the phone or written e-mails. (The author)

Topics of interest:

  • social psychology
  • space-time dualism
  • consumer society


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Author: Editura LUMEN

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