
The promotion of the works published by LUMEN Scientific Publishing House is done through its own website, the Romanian and English version,  https://edituralumen.ro/ and https://lumenpublishing.com/

LUMEN Scientific Publishing House participates in book fairs, which allow the direct selling of books. During the LUMEN international conferences, but also with the occasion of other conferences in which LUMEN or any of its journals are partners in publication, LUMEN Scientific Publishing House organizes book exhibitions with sale possibilities through its own book stand. As a non-profit association, the LUMEN Association makes annual book donations, both to university and county libraries all over the country, but also to university libraries abroad, with which LUMEN has a long-term collaboration. Also, LUMEN Scientific Publishing House distributes books through physical bookstores, based on the contracts concluded with them. Regarding the distribution network, because it is constantly evolving, see our website, at https://lumenpublishing.com/distribution-network/

LUMEN Scientific Publishing House has its own book depositories in Iasi, sos. Bucium, nr. 23, corp C16/p/1, camera 14, jud. Iasi and in Iasi, Str. Tepes Voda, Nr. 2, Bl. V1, Sc. F, jud. Iasi, warehouses from which the distribution is made both in Romania and abroad.

In Romania, LUMEN Scientific Publishing House organizes the distribution of book especially online, through its own virtual bookstores, available at, https://librariavirtuala.com/ and at https://edituralumen.ro/shop/,  as well as through the open virtual bookstore Emag. LUMEN Scientific Publishing House has partnerships with over 28 virtual bookstores: Librarie.net, Emag.ro, Elefant.ro, Librariaeminescu.ro, Librariadelfin.ro etc. (see the complete list of partner bookstores in Romania at https://lumenpublishing.com/distribution-network/), and the books of LUMEN Scientific Publishing House are also available in over 43 virtual bookstores internationally, including: Adebooks , Book Depository, Barnes and Noble, Ebay etc. (see the complete list of partner libraries worldwide at https://lumenpublishing.com/distribution-network/). LUMEN Scientific Publishing House also has its own distribution partnership with the Amazon platform, for books and publications in English.

Internationally, LUMEN Scientific Publishing House focuses on the partnership with INGRAM Content Group, starting with February 2020, by concluding a partnership through which, by the Ingram database and the Global Connect Program, LUMEN books included in the LUMEN Goes Global with Ingram Program are presented to a number of 27,000 major virtual libraries and bookstores in the world, including Amazon, Barnes & Noble, Baker & Taylor, Blackwell Library, Book Depository, Coutts ProQuest, DLS Australia Pty etc., for the purpose of informing, purchasing and distributing worldwide. Ingram Content Group is the largest global book distributor, which will make it possible to distribute Lumen books in the United States, Australia, Asia and throughout Europe, both in physical and digital format, to reach readers from all over the world easily, quickly and at competitive costs. More than 27,000 physical and virtual bookstore chains, as well as libraries around the world, are constantly informed about the LUMEN books included in the Ingram distribution network, which will be available for distribution to these libraries through Ingram.

As for the volumes of proceedings, they are published open access and are distributed free of charge through the publishing house’s own platform, available at https://proceedings.lumenpublishing.com/ojs/index.php/lumenproceedings/about Open access distribution through own platform, available at https://lumenpublishing.com/journals/ is also made for the articles that appear in the scientific journals published by LUMEN Scientific Publishing House .

LUMEN Scientific Publishing House participates in book fairs (Gaudeamus, Bookfest, Librex, Gutenberg’s Ark, etc.), with its own stand and makes a series of book releases of the latest volumes. Images and descriptions of these events are available on the publisher’s website, on the page of each book released, along with information about the author, reviews, citations, presence in libraries, and other useful information about the book. Also, videos from the book release events are presented on the Youtube channel of the publishing house, available at https://www.youtube.com/c/EdituraLumen, respectively in social media (Facebook), where LUMEN Scientific Publishing House manages the publishing house page, available at https://www.facebook.com/EdituraLumen2001, as well as the following pages of the scientific journals Postmodern Openings (https://www.facebook.com/Postmodern-Openings-733470710049894/), Revista Romaneasca pentru Educatie Multidimensionala (Romanian Journal for Multidimensional Education) (https://www.facebook.com/Revista-Romaneasca-pentru-Educatie-Multidimensionala-1516118541967730/), BRAIN. Broad Research in Artificial Intelligence and Neuroscience (https://www.facebook.com/BRAIN-Broad-Research-in-Artificial-Intelligence-and-Neuroscience-100102224837274/), Logos, Universality, Mentality, Education, Novelty (https://www.facebook.com/Logos-Universality-Mentality-Education-Novelty-410370216185115/), Eastern European Journal of Medical Humanities and Bioethics (https://www.facebook.com/Eastern-European-Journal-of-Medical-Humanities-and-Bioethics-2367185923493248/), Journal for Ethics in Social Studies (https://www.facebook.com/Journal-for-Ethics-in-Social-Studies-1092918737569007/), Journal for Social Media Inquiry (https://www.facebook.com/Journal-for-Social-Media-Inquiry-706721306414209/), Moldavian Journal for Education and Social Psichology (https://www.facebook.com/Moldavian-Journal-for-Education-and-Social-Psychology-316234692642510/), European Journal of Law and Public Administration (https://www.facebook.com/European-Journal-of-Law-and-Public-Administration-1511722959064414/), as well as the Facebook page dedicated to the Conference Proceedings book series (https://www.facebook.com/LUMEN-Proceedings-791073611294101/).

WE INVITE YOU ON THE PAGE OF EACH BOOK to see the complete list of bookstores where the book can be purchased, both in Romania and internationally.