The Experiment Of Reading – Mirela SAVIN, Nastasia SAVIN

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Romanian edition. Original title: EXPERIMENTUL LECTURII

Mirela SAVIN, Nastasia SAVIN

LUMEN – Copyright © 2009CULTURAL DIMENSIONS Book Series

FORMAT: Paperback         PAGES: 245          LANGUAGE: Romanian

ISBN:  978-973-166-161-2

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The illusion of the possibility of deciphering the literary text through biography falls whenever we are tempted to resort to different “keys” that poetry puts at hand, the “key” elements of the lyrics being transformed, at a careful reading, into a building material combined in ways that lead to a completely different whole, whose demonstrative rigor can never be that of a real life.

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(The authors)

Topics of interest:

  • literary studies
  • Dimitrie Bolintineanu
  • Camil Petrescu

Author: Editura LUMEN

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