The Image of the Non-Brother in Literature – Simona Maria DRELCIUC

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Romanian edition. Original title: IMAGINEA NEFRATELUI IN LITERATURA

Simona Maria DRELCIUC

Publish your work with LUMEN c1 Cover Imaginea nefratelui DRELCIUC 2020 A5Second edition

LUMEN – Copyright © 2020 – CULTURAL DIMENSIONS Book Series

FORMAT: Paperback         PAGES: 360           LANGUAGE: Romanian

ISBN: 978-973-166-574-0

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Publish your work with LUMEN 39 DrelciucFirst edition

LUMEN – Copyright © 2015CULTURAL DIMENSIONS Book Series

FORMAT: Paperback         PAGES: 364           LANGUAGE: Romanian

ISBN:  978-973-166-404-0






The present work of Mrs. Simona Drelciuc addresses a complex and topical issue, as I said, that of literary mythology. Inspired by the literatures and mythologies of the many peoples who gave significant creations in the field, but based, equally, on the Romanian cultural space, in turn extremely generous both with the mythological raw material, and especially with the literary reflection of thie themes and motifs that became memorable, Mrs. Simona Drelciuc’s study is a really significant contribution to the systematization of an extremely large field, both from the point of view of the variety of literary perspectives, and especially from the point of view of the mythological and / or fantastic element present in the analyzed writings. (Antoaneta OLTEANU)

Topics of interest:

  • cultural, British, American, Jewish, Islamic studies.
  • myths, symbolic rituals and religious studies, philosophy of religion
  • literary studies



Sandu, A. (2015). From the Dualist Gnosis to the Imaginary Literature on the Devil. Review for the volume Imaginea nefratelui in literatura, author Simona-Maria Drelciuc, LUMEN Scientific Publishing House , Iasi, Romania, 2015. Postmodern Openings, 6(1), 221-225.

This paper represents an excellent overview of the censorship of the European collective imaginary, challenged as stranger of the one that is different, of the nonbrother identified eventually as Satan. In the vision of the author Simona Maria Drelciuc, the Devil is the existential pole of the medieval imaginary, a fundamental cultural mark, “catalyst of the European civilization” (Drelciuc, 2015). This bringing into attention of the image of the non-brother allows us to reflect on the European civilization, of religious nature, and of “cultural periphery placement” of the Christian moral values such as love, tolerance etc.


Author: Editura LUMEN

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