Socio-Psychological Directions of Resocialization of Persons, Who are Located in Places of Imprisonment


  • Тetiana Тernavska Private Higher Educational Institution «Kropyvnytskyi Institute of State and Municipal Governance»
  • Olena Shaumian Private Higher Educational Institution «Kropyvnytskyi Institute of State and Municipal Governance»
  • Tetiana Mishenina Kryvyi Rih State Pedagogical University
  • Ilona Voloshchuk Kryvyi Rih State Pedagogical University
  • Yana Raievska Ivan Ohienko National University in Kamianets-Podilskyi
  • Antonina Hrys Private joint stock company «Higher education institute «Іnterregional academy of personnel management»



educational motivation, nonverbal creativity, self-assessment, structure of intelligence.


The psycho-pedagogical and social rehabilitation of individuals before dismissal from the places of imprisonment is currently relevant, as it is a qualitative return to normal life that becomes an acute problem for people who are preparing to leave the places of imprisonment. The purpose of the article is to analyze the pilot psychological and pedagogical research of persons who are in places of imprisonment. For introduction of the developed social-pedagogical directions of resocialization of persons who are in the places of detention or getting ready to leave these places, the diagnostics of psychological characteristics which will become key signs of efficiency of the applied directions became relevant, namely: orientation to changing of the social environment; social-pedagogical therapy; professional orientation during teaching and educational process. Diagnostics of structure of intelligence, educational motivation, nonverbal creativity and level of self-assessment of persons who are in places of detention is performed. The analysis of results of motives of educational activity allows saying that educational activity of respondents is defined by motivation on achievement, cognitive motivation, and by motive of external stimulation. The highest indicator of the index of uniqueness that characterizes nonverbal creativity is met at most of respondents. The self-assured personality is guided by development of the his/her potential, he/she subordinates the existence to achievement of a condition of integrity, integration, spontaneity, humour, openness of experience. Creative, motivated, intelligently flexible and self-assured personality can achieve the objectives, far from creativity, for the sake of prospects in his/her life. He/she can be attracted to the activity necessary from some reasons, important for him/her, as, for example, participation of creative people in technical activity, in organizational work, for explanation of his/her purposes for other people.

Author Biography

Yana Raievska, Ivan Ohienko National University in Kamianets-Podilskyi

Ph.D. in Psychology, Assistant Professor of the Department
of Psychology, Institute of Personnel Training of the State Employment Service of Ukraine, Kyiv, Ukraine
Web of Science Researcher ID C-8527-2019


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How to Cite

Тernavska Т., Shaumian, O., Mishenina, T., Voloshchuk, I., Raievska, Y., & Hrys, A. (2020). Socio-Psychological Directions of Resocialization of Persons, Who are Located in Places of Imprisonment. BRAIN. Broad Research in Artificial Intelligence and Neuroscience, 11(3), 54-71.

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