The Socialization of People with Muscle-Skeleton Disorders in Rehabilitation Centres


  • Iryna Sarancha Vinnytsia Мykhailo Kotsiubynskyi State Pedagogical University
  • Iryna Demchenko Pavlo Tychyna Uman State Pedagogical University
  • Kateryna Volkova Municipal establishment "Kharkiv Humanitarian-Pedagogical Academy" of Kharkiv regional council
  • Inesa Khmeliar Rivne Medical Academy
  • Volodymyr Babiak Rivne Medical Academy
  • Rostyslav Sabadyshyn Rivne Medical Academy
  • Olena Babiak Rivne Medical Academy
  • Maksym Imeridze los Angeles University
  • Iryna Buzhyna South Ukrainian National Pedagogical University named after K. D. Ushinsky
  • Liudmyla Gusak Lesya Ukrainka Eastern European National University
  • Tetiana Martyniuk Lesya Ukrainka Eastern European National University
  • Tetiana Marchak Podilsky Special Education and Rehabilitation Socio-Economic College, Kamianets-Podilskyy



psychophysical problems, diagnostics, socialization programmes, correction, adaptation.


The article considers the people with muscle-skeleton disorders (hereinafter “MSDs”) who suffer from the effects cerebral palsy, myopathy and spinal diseases. The article aims to determine, theoretically justify and experimentally verify the pedagogical conditions for the socialization of people with MSDs in rehabilitation centres. All the respondents had MSDs, namely: 76 respondents – pediatric cerebral palsy; 19 respondents – myopathy; 10 respondents – spinal diseases. It must be noted that 11 respondents, apart from MSDs, had intellectual disabilities (F 71). The experiment involved 59 males and 46 females. The age requirement was the following: 56 respondents aged between 14 and 17; 49 respondents aged between 18 and 19. The socialization programme, verified during the formative experiment, involved working with people with MSDs based on all socialization components; methodological work with the teaching staff of rehabilitation centres; parents. The programme included such specialized courses as Human Rights, Gardenotherapy; dance therapy; photography classes; a support group for parents of children with MSDs. Before the beginning of the experiment, only 11.55% of persons with MSDs had a high level of socialization. After the formative experiment, the number increased to 30.45%. Besides, 44.1% of people have a sufficient level of social skills. The implementation of the designed programme as a condition for the socialization of people with MSDs has made it possible to significantly increase the level of social skills in people with MSDs in the experimental group.



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How to Cite

Sarancha, I., Demchenko, I., Volkova, K., Khmeliar, I., Babiak, V., Sabadyshyn, R., Babiak, O., Imeridze, M., Buzhyna, I., Gusak, L., Martyniuk, T., & Marchak, T. (2020). The Socialization of People with Muscle-Skeleton Disorders in Rehabilitation Centres. BRAIN. Broad Research in Artificial Intelligence and Neuroscience, 11(3), 01-14.

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