The Stigma of the Medical Personnel in Psychiatry


  • Liliana Luca University of Medicine and Pharmacy, Galati, Romania
  • Stefan Lucian Burlea University of Medicine and Pharmacy, Iasi, Romania
  • Mihaela Carausu University of Medicine and Pharmacy, Iasi, Romania
  • Ana-Catalina Chirosca University of Medicine and Pharmacy, Bucharest, Romania
  • Ioana Maria Marin University Al. I. Cuza, Iasi, Romania
  • Petronela Nechita Socola Institute of Psychiatry Iasi, Romania
  • Ginel Baciu University of Medicine and Pharmacy, Galati, Romania
  • Anamaria Ciubara University of Medicine and Pharmacy, Galati, Romania



stigma, medical personnel, psychiatry, patient, health


This research was structured as a descriptive study based on a questionnaire with seven questions, addressed to the medical personnel involved in the medical assistance of the patient with mental disorders (psychiatrists, family doctors, physicians from other specialties, psychologists). This study refers to the relationship medical team – psychiatric patient from the point of view of the health professionals. The main appreciation criteria refer to the lack of knowledge or minimizing the importance of patients’ rights, aspect that can influence the voluntary addressability of psychiatric patients to treatment and therapeutic success.

The lot of this study had a number of 217 subjects from which are part psychiatrists, family doctors, physicians from other specialties and psychologists, who work in therapy centers and hospitals from the following counties: Iaşi, Botoşani, Suceava, Vaslui.

Author Biographies

Liliana Luca, University of Medicine and Pharmacy, Galati, Romania

University of  Medicine and Pharmacy, Galati, Romania 

Stefan Lucian Burlea, University of Medicine and Pharmacy, Iasi, Romania

University of Medicine and Pharmacy, Iasi, Romania

Mihaela Carausu, University of Medicine and Pharmacy, Iasi, Romania

University of Medicine and Pharmacy, Iasi, Romania

Ana-Catalina Chirosca, University of Medicine and Pharmacy, Bucharest, Romania

University of Medicine and Pharmacy, Bucharest, Romania

Ioana Maria Marin, University Al. I. Cuza, Iasi, Romania

University Al. I. Cuza,  Iasi, Romania

Petronela Nechita, Socola Institute of Psychiatry Iasi, Romania

Socola Institute of Psychiatry Iasi, Romania

Ginel Baciu, University of Medicine and Pharmacy, Galati, Romania

University of  Medicine and Pharmacy, Galati, Romania

Anamaria Ciubara, University of Medicine and Pharmacy, Galati, Romania

University of  Medicine and Pharmacy, Galati, Romania


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How to Cite

Luca, L., Burlea, S. L., Carausu, M., Chirosca, A.-C., Marin, I. M., Nechita, P., Baciu, G., & Ciubara, A. (2020). The Stigma of the Medical Personnel in Psychiatry. BRAIN. Broad Research in Artificial Intelligence and Neuroscience, 11(1Sup2), 35-43.

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