From Pandemic to Infodemic


  • Antonio SANDU Professor PhD., Stefan cel Mare University of Suceava



Pandemic, infodemic, Covid-19, personal freedoms, bioethics.


In this article we will address the topic of fake news (Peters, 2018), which represents a real threat to society and could be considered a public health issue. The fake news campaign that accompanied public communications during the pandemic was named, by the Worls Health Organization (2020), infodemic, considering that its purpose was to generate panic and create social and economic problems, which would seriously overcome the initial public health problem - namely that of the pandemic -, to destabilize both states and global alliances. From an ethical point of view, we must notice the negative impact of infodemic, both on public health and on humanity in general; this can lead to deviations from democracy and human rights and, ultimately, to the dehumanization of society through the emphasis on social anxiety and the exacerbation of desocializing fears, which increase social distancing far beyond the limit of the physical distancing necessary to combat the pandemic.


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How to Cite

SANDU, A. (2020). From Pandemic to Infodemic. BRAIN. Broad Research in Artificial Intelligence and Neuroscience, 11(2), 277-289.

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