Graph Theory Applications to Comprehend Epidemics Spread of a Disease


  • Yegnanarayanan Venkatraman Member, Board of Advisors, RNB Global University, Bikaner, Rajasthan - 334601, India
  • Krithicaa Narayanaa Y Department of Biomedical Sciences, Sri Ramachandra Institute for Higher Education and Research (Deemed to be University), Chennai, Tamil Nadu - 600116, India
  • Valentina E. Balas Aurel Vlaicu University of Arad, Faculty of Engineering
  • Dana Rad Aurel Vlaicu University of Arad



Virus, Epidemics, Pandemics, Graph, Regular Tree


Theory of Graphs could offer a plenty to enrich the analysis and modeling to generate datasets out of the systems and processes regarding the spread of a disease that affects humans, animals, plants,  crops etc., In this paper first we show graphs can serve as a model for cattle movements from one farm to another. Second, we give a crisp explanation regarding disease transmission models on contact graphs/networks. It is possible to indicate how a regular tree exhibits relations among graph structure and the infectious disease spread and how certain properties of it akin to diameter and density of graph, affect the duration of an outbreak. Third, we elaborate on the presence of a suitable environment for exploiting several streams of data such as genetic temporal and spatial to locate case clusters one dependent on the other of a disease that is infectious. Here a graph for each stream of data joining all cases that are created with pairwise distance among them as edge weights and altered by omitting exceeding distances of a cutoff assigned that relies on already existing assumptions and rate of spread of a disease information. Fourth we provide an overview of epidemiology, disease transmission, fatality rate and clinical features of zoonotic viral infections of epidemic and pandemic magnitude since 2000. Fifth we indicate how the clinical data and virus spread data can be exploited for the creation of health knowledge graph. Graph Theory is an ideal tool to model, predict, form an opinion to devise strategies to quickly arrest the outbreak and minimize the devastating effect of zoonotic viral infections.

Author Biographies

Yegnanarayanan Venkatraman, Member, Board of Advisors, RNB Global University, Bikaner, Rajasthan - 334601, India

Yegnanarayanan Venkatraman (b. Nov 3, 1966) received his BSc in Mathematics (1986), MSc in Mathematics (1988), M. Phil in Mathematics (1989), M.Tech in Information Technology (2004), PhD in Mathematics (1997) from Annamalai University of India. Now he is acting as a Member of Board of Advisors of RNB Global University, Rajasthan, India.  He is a senior member of IEEE and a Life Member of various professional organizations. He has served senior Professor, Dean, Director and Research Chair of various Universities in India and his research interests include Graph Theory, Number Theory and their Applications. He has authored 170 research papers and completed funded research projects in India.

Krithicaa Narayanaa Y, Department of Biomedical Sciences, Sri Ramachandra Institute for Higher Education and Research (Deemed to be University), Chennai, Tamil Nadu - 600116, India

Krithicaa Narayanaa Y (b. Oct 12, 1995) received her B. Tech in Genetic Engineering (2017), M. Tech in Genetic Engineering (2019). Now she is a Ph.D Research Scholar in the Department of Biomedical Sciences,  Sri Ramachandra Institute of Higher Education and Research (Deemed to be University), Chennai, India. Her current interests are in Neuro-genetics and Cancer genetics.

Valentina E. Balas, Aurel Vlaicu University of Arad, Faculty of Engineering

Valentina E. Balas is currently Full Professor in the Department of Automatics and Applied Software at the Faculty of Engineering, “Aurel Vlaicu” University of Arad, Romania. She holds a Ph.D. in Applied Electronics and Telecommunications from Polytechnic University of Timisoara. Dr. Balas is author of more than 300 research papers in refereed journals and International Conferences. Her research interests are in Intelligent Systems, Fuzzy Control, Soft Computing, Smart Sensors, Information Fusion, Modeling and Simulation. She is the Editor-in Chief to International Journal of Advanced Intelligence Paradigms (IJAIP) and to International Journal of Computational Systems Engineering (IJCSysE). She is a Senior Member IEEE and is a Joint Secretary of the Governing Council of Forum for Interdisciplinary Mathematics (FIM), - A Multidisciplinary Academic Body, India.

Dana Rad, Aurel Vlaicu University of Arad

Assoc.Prof. PhD

Faculty of Educational Sciences, Psychology and Social Sciences


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How to Cite

Venkatraman, Y., Narayanaa Y, K., Balas, V. E., & Rad, D. (2021). Graph Theory Applications to Comprehend Epidemics Spread of a Disease. BRAIN. Broad Research in Artificial Intelligence and Neuroscience, 12(2), 161-177.

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