Latent Aggression and Impulsive Manifestations of the Psychiatric Patient. Clinical, Legal and Ethical Aspects


  • Codrina MORARU Second Year Medical Resident in psychiatry, “Socola” Psychiatry Institute, Iași
  • Ionuț-Dragoș RADULESCU MD, Specialist in psychiatry, “Elisabeta Doamna” Psychiatry Hospital, Galați
  • Alina Ioana VOINEA LAS CT, Hertfordshire Partnership University NHS Foundation Trust, St. Albans, United Kingdom
  • Mirona Letiția DOBRI Third Year Medical Resident in psychiatry, “Socola” Psychiatry Institute, Iași
  • Gabriela RUSU-ZOTA MD, PhD, Lecturer, Department of Pharmacology – Algesiology, Faculty of Medicine, “Grigore T. Popa” University of Medicine and Pharmacy, Iași
  • Petronela NECHITA MD, PhD, Senior psychiatrist, “Socola” Psychiatry Institute, Iași



aggressive manifestations, psychiatric diagnosis, social reintegration


Psychiatry represents the medical branch that focuses not only on the patient’s mental state but also on general health issues and wellbeing. With the continuous development of human civilization, the individual no longer uses aggression, a counterproductive method for day to day living in the community, to meet its basic needs. Neurobiological changes that lead to aggressive manifestations are a medical problem only if the aggressive impulses occur in a person with a psychiatric diagnosis already established and poses a danger to himself and others. Aggressive behaviour due to a medical condition or biological factors is an old problem that has great forensic implications both for the patient and for the medical staff. Decreased quality of life, low emotional support and social marginalization are some of the repercussions that emerge. Understanding the negative effects of aggressive impulses found in multiple psychiatric diagnoses is the key to an optimal doctor-patient relationship. An individualized treatment is necessary, the final goal being social reintegration.


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How to Cite

MORARU, C., RADULESCU, I.-D., VOINEA, A. I. ., DOBRI, M. L. ., RUSU-ZOTA, G. ., & NECHITA, P. (2020). Latent Aggression and Impulsive Manifestations of the Psychiatric Patient. Clinical, Legal and Ethical Aspects. BRAIN. Broad Research in Artificial Intelligence and Neuroscience, 11(3Sup1), 220-230.

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