Volunteering and Prosocial Behaviour


  • Roxana Maier Aurel Vlaicu University of Arad
  • Andra Maier PR Specialist, The Comms Factory, Romania
  • Călin Maier BA (Hons) Architecture, Manchester University, UK




Prosocial behaviour, pandemic, volunteering, quality of life


The study wants to put in relation prosocial behaviour with well-being. The study’s participants were selected from various volunteering groups, involved in student organisations in Romania and outside of it. The data regarding one’s own perception of prosocial behaviour and well-being was gathered during the pandemic’s first week and after 8 weeks, but the volunteers’ activity was tracked in the months that followed. This led to acknowledging that their activities diversified in this field and the participants’ number in their groups grew bigger. Finding a meaning based on our prosocial behaviours brings benefits in the social dynamic, diminishes the feeling of loneliness, and leads to optimising our well-being.

Author Biographies

Roxana Maier, Aurel Vlaicu University of Arad

Aurel Vlaicu University of Arad

Andra Maier, PR Specialist, The Comms Factory, Romania

PR Specialist, The Comms Factory, Romania

Călin Maier, BA (Hons) Architecture, Manchester University, UK

BA (Hons) Architecture, Manchester University, UK


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How to Cite

Maier, R., Maier, A. ., & Maier, C. (2021). Volunteering and Prosocial Behaviour. BRAIN. Broad Research in Artificial Intelligence and Neuroscience, 12(3), 79-88. https://doi.org/10.18662/brain/12.3/221

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