Stress-Coping Behavior of the Individual as a Psychological Problem in the Context of the Application of Sanogenic Health Thinking




coping with stress, level of fatigue, monotony and stress, coping strategies, introspection of own emotions, experience in stress-coping


Psychologists face an urgent task - to teach a person to effectively deal with stressors, which he encounters every day. The aim is to investigate the features of sanogenic thinking as a factor of stress-coping behavior of the individual. The test-persons were of cadets in the amount of 345 people, of whom women - 167 people and men - 178 people. As a result of a formative experiment to teach the skills of sanogenic thinking, the article investigated the presence of changes in the degree of stress using the methods of "Psychological Stress Scale PSM-25" and the questionnaire "Fatigue-Monotony-Satiety-Stress". It is determined that the formation of sanogenic thinking skills as a result of the formative experiment, helps to reduce the level of fatigue, monotony, satiety and stress in the individual. Relationships between the level of development of sanogenic thinking and coping strategies used by the individual are revealed. Regression analysis showed that the study of personality theory and practice of sanogenic thinking allows you to expand awareness of emotional mental operations and acquire skills and abilities to introspect their own emotions, experiences in overcoming stress. That is, sanogenic thinking can be a factor in stressful behavior of the individual.


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How to Cite

Yarosh, N., Artiukhova, V., Panchenko, V., Fera, S., & Prykhodko, D. (2021). Stress-Coping Behavior of the Individual as a Psychological Problem in the Context of the Application of Sanogenic Health Thinking. BRAIN. Broad Research in Artificial Intelligence and Neuroscience, 12(1), 183-201.

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