A Review of Human-Computer Interaction Design Approaches towards Information Systems Development
HCI design approaches, Information systems Development, Emerging-technologies, Mobile platforms, Agile methodology, User interfaceAbstract
Nowadays modern information systems (emerging technologies) are increasingly becoming an integral part of our daily lives and has begun to pose a serious challenge for human-computer interaction (HCI) professionals, as emerging technologies in the area of mobile and cloud computing, and internet of things (IoT), are calling for more devotion from HCI experts in terms of systems interface design. As the number of mobile platforms users, nowadays comprises of children’s, elderly people, and people with disabilities or disorders, all demanding for an effective user interface that can meet their diverse needs, even on the move, at anytime and anywhere. This paper, review current articles (43) related to HCI interface design approaches to modern information systems design with the aim of identifying and determining the effectiveness of these methods. The study found that the current HCI design approaches were based on desktop paradigm which falls short of providing location-based services to mobile platforms users. The study also discovered that almost all the current interface design standard used by HCI experts for the design of user’s interface were not effective & supportive of emerging technologies due to the flexibility nature of these technologies. Based on the review findings, the study suggested the combination of Human-centred design with agile methodologies for interface design, and call on future works to use qualitative or quantitative approach to further investigate HCI methods of interface design with much emphasis on cloud-based technologies and other organizational information systems.
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