Organizing of Independent Cognitive Activity of Teachers in the Context of Didactics and Neuroscience
psychological and pedagogical conditions, andragogic process, neuroscience, author's model, postgraduate education institutionsAbstract
The article substantiates that in the context of organizing the independent cognitive activity of teachers in the post-Soviet space, the process of improving their qualifications, which takes place on the basis of their free choice of forms of education, programs and educational institutions, is of particular importance. At the heart of this choice, decision-making on independent cognitive activity and emotional-motivational resource are not only external stimuli, but also neurophysiological and psychological mechanisms. The purpose of the study is a scientific substantiation of the necessary and sufficient psychological and pedagogical conditions and models of organization of independent cognitive activity of teachers of secondary schools in the process of competence development. The analysis of the experimental data showed a noticeable difference between samples B3 and B4 at the end of the experiment for each of the defined criteria, as well as for the general indicator of the organizing of independent cognitive activity. The results obtained during the pedagogical experiment proved that the organizing of independent cognitive activity of teachers on the basis of the author's model helped to increase the effectiveness of this activity. During the discussion, it was proved that an important component of a person's professional training for any activity, especially in educational, is the development of neurophysiological and psychological potential for subjective self-determination of self-learning, self-improvement, and in micro-development - for independent choice and decision-making in a situation of cognitive or activity-related uncertainty. Therefore, decision-making is a basic component of any constructive activity.
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