Formation of Communication Skills in Junior Schoolchildren with Intellectual Disabilities in the Conditions of Inclusive Education


  • Svitlana Stebljuk Svitlana Stebljuk. State Higher Education Establishment «Uzhhorod National University»
  • Yuliia Bondarenko Sumy State Pedagogical University named after A.S. Makarenko
  • Kristina Torop Oles Honchar Dnipro National University, Dnipro, Ukraine
  • Nataliia Yarmola Mykola Yarmachenko Institute of Special Pedagogy and Psychology, NAPS of Ukraine
  • Iryna Kuzava Lesya Ukrainka Volyn National University
  • Dina Shulzhenko National Pedagogical Drahomanov University, Kyiv, Ukraine



Communicative competence, neuropsychology, neuropedagogy, correction, training, special children, thinking, speech, intelligence, inclusive education


The article deals with pedagogical and psycho-correctional means of ensuring communicative interaction of junior schoolchildren with disabilities (with mild and moderate mental retardation) in the context of inclusive education. Specifics of development of cognitive, emotional, personal-motivational, communicative and behavioural components of communication of a unique personality of a junior schoolchild under correctional and developmental influence and in the conditions of inclusive education are analysed. The definition of communication skills of children with special educational needs has been clarified. Systematic - neuropedagogical, competence, personality-oriented and communicative-activity approaches to consideration of methodical tools for formation of communicative skills in junior schoolchildren taking into account their special needs and individual capabilities are applied. A model of formation of communicative-personal potential in children with intellectual disabilities and correction of their communicative individual-psychological properties has been developed. The program on formation of communicative competence and providing positive motivation for communicative interaction among students with intellectual disabilities, taking into account neuropsychological and pedagogical recommendations, is substantiated.


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How to Cite

Stebljuk, S., Bondarenko, Y., Torop, K., Yarmola, N., Kuzava, I., & Shulzhenko, D. (2021). Formation of Communication Skills in Junior Schoolchildren with Intellectual Disabilities in the Conditions of Inclusive Education. BRAIN. Broad Research in Artificial Intelligence and Neuroscience, 12(4), 329-345.

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