Peculiarities of Forming Students' Motivation to Music-Teaching Activity in Higher Education Institutions (HEI)




category , spiritual culture of personality, age features of students, factor of choice of profession, professional and personal self-improvement, human psyche


Motivation is one of the most important factors (along with abilities, knowledge, skills and abilities) that ensures the success of music teaching. Becoming a successful teacher of art disciplines is closely related to the internal needs of his self-realization in professional activities, self-awareness in this state. The pedagogical profession requires from the teacher the formed need for artistic and educational activity, awareness of its importance for the spiritual development of society; high level of ideological, humanitarian and aesthetic culture; developed professional and pedagogical abilities, deep professional knowledge and skills, experience of artistic and creative pedagogical activity. The artistic needs of students arise and develop in the process of music-educational activities, which should be based on their positive emotional attitude to it. It is proved that in the process of educational activity a system of mental actions of reproductive and productive nature is formed, which is self-regulated and self-organized by the individual. Any activity, and in this case educational, is affected by certain incentives that become the driving force of student activity. Such incentives are needs, interests, beliefs, values, ideals, forming the motivation to learn. Along with the abilities, knowledge, and skills that ensure the success of teaching, motivation also includes emotional and value attitudes, sustained interest and inclination of the future teacher to pedagogical work; the need for active influence on the moral and emotional, intellectual and volitional spheres of the student's personality.


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How to Cite

Khomenko, L., Rastruba, T., Parkhomenko, O., Shumska, L., Kostenko, L., & Pavlenko, O. (2021). Peculiarities of Forming Students’ Motivation to Music-Teaching Activity in Higher Education Institutions (HEI). BRAIN. Broad Research in Artificial Intelligence and Neuroscience, 12(3), 319-342.

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