Creativity, Readiness for Changes and Tolerance for Ambiguity


  • Viktoriia Vynohradova V. I. Vernadsky Taurida National University, Kyiv, Ukraine
  • Iryna Bila
  • Olena Kostyuchenko Kyiv National University of Culture and Arts, Kyiv, Ukraine
  • Svitlana Oborska Kyiv National University of Culture and Arts, Kyiv, Ukraine
  • Liudmyla Dykhnych Kyiv National University of Culture and Arts, Kyiv, Ukraine



ambiguity, innovations, crisis situations, professional activity, psychodiagnostics


Under the conditions of precarious situation, caused by the global pandemic and unprecedented restrictions, aimed at countering it, productivity of specialists in various fields of work is reducing significantly. This is particularly true of activities, conducted through direct communication between concerned parties. In order to counter instability, workers have to develop creativity, readiness for changes and tolerance for ambiguity. The goal of research is to establish correlations between the type of professional activity and creativity, readiness for changes and tolerance for ambiguity. The respondents of the study were 260 people of working age –the staff of event, tourism, restaurant business, trade, IT spheres. The research procedure included organizational, target-oriented, empirical, final stages. Time limits of the study – April – July 2020. For psychodiagnostics the article uses the Torrance test of creative thinking, diagnostics of personal creativity by Tunik, the methodology “personal readiness for changes”, the scale of individual’s tolerance for ambiguity by McLain. The study found clear correlations between the indicators of creativity, readiness for changes and tolerance for ambiguity. The original model of a creative specialist (endowed with originality, adaptability, optimism and common sense) in the conditions of changes and uncertainty was formed in the research.

The results of psychodiagnostics showed the highest indicators of creativity among IT workers, readiness for changes–among the staff of IT and event spheres, tolerance for ambiguity–among retail workers. In the conditions of pandemic destruction, the workers of the tourism industry were the least creative, while the workers of the event sphere turned out to be unprepared for changes and the workers of the event and tourism industries –intolerant for ambiguity. The results of the study can be used to develop correctional programs to increase the staff’s creativity, readiness for changes, tolerance for ambiguity. It is the development and implementation of effective psycho-correctional programs for the use of real communication and digital tools that are the prospect of further scientific research on the ways to solve the problem.


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How to Cite

Vynohradova, V., Bila, I. ., Kostyuchenko, O. ., Oborska, S. ., & Dykhnych, L. . (2021). Creativity, Readiness for Changes and Tolerance for Ambiguity. BRAIN. Broad Research in Artificial Intelligence and Neuroscience, 12(3), 44-63.

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