Innovations in Primary Education: Neuropsychological Aspect


  • Victor Reshetnyak Oleksandr Dovzhenko Hlukhiv National Pedagogical University
  • Olena Popadych Department of General and Higher Education Pedagogy, Faculty of Social Sciences, Uzhhorod National University
  • Nataliia Korchakova Rivne State University of Humanities
  • Olha Shyshova National Pedagogical Dragomanov University
  • Dina Shulzhenko National Pedagogical Drahomanov University
  • Viktoriia Sichka Zakarpattia Institute of Postgraduate Pedagogical Education



neuropsychology, higher psychological functions, kinesiological exercises, junior high school student, game, art therapy


The article is devoted to the influence of neuropsychology on the modern student. The concepts of "neuropsychology" and "neuropsychological research", research and publications of domestic and foreign scientists on the development of neuropsychology and the use of methods that improve the work of the right and left hemispheres of the brain are considered in the article. The scientific potential of neuropsychology is indicated. Attention is drawn to the views of scientists who studied the neuropsychology of childhood. It has been found that there are many more books and periodicals in foreign literature that contain information on neuropsychology. A foreign project aimed at studying the brain is covered. It is emphasized that in modern educational institutions in Spain, teachers pay special attention to the neuropsychological characteristics of each child. Emphasis is placed on the difficulties of primary school children who need neuropsychological care. The focus is on the features of functional blocks of the brain and their mutual development. Emphasis is placed on the need to use health-preserving and play technologies in the organization of the educational process for teachers working on the Concept of the "New Ukrainian School".  The effectiveness of kinesiological exercises for brain function, which contribute to the harmonious development of personality, has been proven.  The significance of moving activities for the body of a child of primary school age is revealed. The powerful influence of means of musical and fine arts which help to develop visual perception, difficult spatial abilities, visual attention, memory, verbal and visual-motor skills on overcoming of neuropsychological frustration is proved. A block of neuropsychological exercises to activate the brain is presented. Samples of corrective exercises are highlighted: breathing exercises, massage, oculomotor exercises.


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How to Cite

Reshetnyak, V., Popadych, O., Korchakova, N., Shyshova, O., Shulzhenko, D., & Sichka, V. (2022). Innovations in Primary Education: Neuropsychological Aspect. BRAIN. Broad Research in Artificial Intelligence and Neuroscience, 13(1), 173-187.

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