Creating the Correctional Environment for Personality Development of Children with Autistic Disorders




observation of the child, corrective influence, organized environment, emotional state, use of self-stimulation, oversaturation of impressions, stimulation of speech activity


A sign of the humanization of the modern pedagogical process is a profound change in its organization, primarily in creating conditions for the formation of a holistic personality of the child. The method of forming speech activity of children with autistic disorders of senior preschool age can act as an organizational and pedagogical system, which includes the functioning of specific conditions: organizational and pedagogical (the main of which - the creation of educational and corrective and communicative environment); general didactic (continuity, stages, system in the content of the formation of speech activity); technological (pedagogical and speech therapy diagnosis - starting and finishing - of the child as a basis for organizing the formation of speech activity of children with autistic disorders of older preschool age). Among the auxiliary conditions can be distinguished cognitive, creative, and communicative. Taking into account the peculiarities of mental, emotional, communicative, and speech development, we anticipate that the level of speech activity in children with autistic disorders will increase under the conditions of implementation of our methodology, and providing selected psychological and pedagogical conditions will accelerate and optimize this process.


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How to Cite

Bazyma, N., Mamicheva, O., Korhun, L., Krykunenko, Y., Rozina, I., & Dehtiarenko, T. (2022). Creating the Correctional Environment for Personality Development of Children with Autistic Disorders. BRAIN. Broad Research in Artificial Intelligence and Neuroscience, 13(1), 259-275.

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