Psychological Peculiarities of Personal Dissonance of Adolescents in the Sphere of Real and Ideal Self-Image




personal dissonance, adolescents, self-image, self-attitude, individual and psychological qualities, psychological factors


Adolescence is characterized by contradictions of role behaviours and perceptions caused by age adjustment of adolescents. This is reflected in the system of self-attitudes of adolescents, which can lead to intrapersonal conflicts due to the dissonance of conceptions about their own real and ideal self-image. Such dissonances can hinder the construction of one’s own social roles. Therefore, timely detection of risks of personal dissonance emergence in the sphere of subjective perceptions of one’s own real and ideal self-images becomes one of the leading tasks of providing psychological and psychotherapeutic aid to adolescents, aimed at harmonizing their formation in the process of socialization. The aim of the research is to study the factors that determine the psychological peculiarities of personal dissonance of adolescents in the sphere of real and ideal self-image. The research is based on the use of psychodiagnostic methods of Leary (2004) and Pantileev (1993) for the survey of 303 adolescents of both sexes at the age of 14-17, who recognize the presence of discrepancies between real and ideal self-images. Empirical data has shown a relationship between a constellation of psychological factors that determine the emergence of personal dissonances in the sphere of authoritarianism, dominance, suspicion, aggression, subordination, dependency, friendship and altruism. The research will help to understand the psychological factors of the emergence and functioning of personal dissonances of adolescents, which affect both the system of their self-attitude and the building of their social ties. This opens up prospects for improving psychoprophylactic measures aimed at preventing personal dissonances in adolescents.

Author Biography

Ivan Okhrimenko, National Academy of Internal Affairs, Kyiv, Ukraine

Doctor of law, professor,

Professor of the Department of Legal Psychology, National Academy of Internal Affairs, Kyiv, Ukraine


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How to Cite

Aleksandrov, D. ., Okhrimenko, I., Rudenko, L. ., Sprynchuk, S., & Tyshchenko, O. . (2021). Psychological Peculiarities of Personal Dissonance of Adolescents in the Sphere of Real and Ideal Self-Image. BRAIN. Broad Research in Artificial Intelligence and Neuroscience, 12(4), 139-163.

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