Neuropsychological Correction Technologies of Psychosomatic Disorders and Diseases


  • Nataliia Pylypenko State Technological University
  • Oksana Liasch Vinnytsia Мykhailo Kotsiubynskyi State Pedagogical University
  • Iryna Chorna Ternopil Volodymyr Hnatiuk National Pedagogical University
  • Marianna Kompanovych Lviv Institute the Private Soint-Stock Company "Higher Education Institution "Interregional Academy of Personnel Management"
  • Nataliia Levina Zaporizhzhia National University
  • Yuliia Chystovska Bohdan Khmelnytsky National University of Cherkasy



Emotions, internal conflicts, neuropsychological methods, chronic stress, psychosomatic health, nervous system, mechanisms of psychological defense, neuropsychological mechanism, psychotherapy


The article is devoted to the problem of considering the best neuropsychological technologies for correcting human psychosomatic health. The most popular theories of the onset of psychosomatic disorders in foreign and domestic works are considered. The article describes neuropsychological mechanisms: the provision of psychosomatic health and the occurrence of psychosomatic disorders and diseases and some features of their dynamics. A detailed classification of psychosomatic disorders has been submitted. The role of the emotional and psychological factor in the occurrence of psychosomatic disorders and diseases is emphasized and other influential factors in the violation of psychosomatic health in general are considered. The conditions for the development and implementation of an individual program for neuropsychological correction of a psychosomatically ill client, taking into account the specificity and category of psychosomatic disorders, the peculiarities of the relationship between the emotional and bodily spheres and the results of neurophysiological research of the functional state of the brain, as well as a complex of neuro-psycho-social factors of psychosomatic health resources. The conditions for professionally competent neuropsychological correction of psychosomatic disorders at the systemic level are noted. The technologies of neuropsychological correction in combination with psychotherapy are considered. Neuropsychological recommendations have been developed to ensure, restore and correct psychosomatic health. The use of psychohygiene as a psychoprophylaxis of psychosomatic diseases is recommended.


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How to Cite

Pylypenko, N., Liasch, O., Chorna, I., Kompanovych, M., Levina, N., & Chystovska, Y. (2022). Neuropsychological Correction Technologies of Psychosomatic Disorders and Diseases. BRAIN. Broad Research in Artificial Intelligence and Neuroscience, 13(2), 113-129.

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