Psychological Safety of the Individual in Normal and Extreme Conditions of Professional Activity: Neurophysiological Aspects
Occurrence of stress, emotionally stressful situation, mental states, special conditions, subjectivity, meaning, responsibilityAbstract
Psychological signs of professional safety in special conditions of professional activity are considered in the context of comparison of specificity of performance of professional activity in normal and special (extreme) conditions and disclosure of specific requirements to experts of professions of risk group are considered. It is noted that human activity in special conditions is associated with mental stress and is often accompanied by stress. The purpose of the study is to summarize, classify and determine the relevance of the Ukrainian theory and practice of occupational safety against the background of the latest trends and challenges. It is emphasized that the process of overcoming an emotionally stressful situation depends on the mental states of a person, the integral characteristic of which in certain conditions forms a neuro-functional state; the algorithm of the analysis of stay of the person in emotionally-tense situations is considered; outlined quantitative and qualitative indicators of the result of activities in special conditions that determine its quality, productivity and reliability; the content of the professional norm, the main figure of observance of which is a person is determined. It is stated that performing professional activities in special conditions is often combined with danger to health and life. Appearance of stressful situations, require the employee to use individual resources (personal, cognitive, social and instrumental) to overcome them. Ensuring human life in special conditions requires the use of adaptive resources of the specialist, which ensure the activation of productive processes, and determine the construct of occupational health of the individual specialist.
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