Principles of Realization of Physical Therapy for Students: Modern Views of Neuropedagogy and Neuropsychology




Higher education, specialist, vocational training, physical therapy, Ergotherapy, rehabilitation therapist, neuropedagogy, neuropsychology


The article considers the issue of the principles of realization of physical therapy of students from the point of view of neurosciences. The article notes that modern higher education is characterized by the appearance of a new medical specialty "Physical therapy, Ergotherapy". The emphasis is made on the fact that the Ukrainian society badly needed such specialists. The essence of such concepts: "higher education", "specialist", "vocational training", "physical therapy", "Ergotherapy", "rehabilitation therapist", "neuropedagogy", "neuropsychology" is considered. It is noted that physiotherapists from Japan played an important role in assisting athletes during the 2020 Olympic Games. Since 2007, the Ukrainian Association for Physical Therapy has been organized in Ukraine. It is proved that the first appearance of the profession, which is associated with physiotherapy exercises, dates back to the beginning of the XX century. It is noted that the government document gives the right to be in training persons who have special educational problems. A review of articles by domestic and foreign authors on the use of physical therapy to improve human health is made. The main aspects of training a future specialist in physical therapy are disclosed. It is noted that university teachers should think about a modern approach when teaching subjects. The professional training of future specialists in physical therapy to work on improving the health of athletes has been studied in detail. Structural components that should be taken into account by future specialists are noted. The interactive methods and forms of work that are integral to teaching students are named. It is noted that future specialists should have not only knowledge of physical culture, but also pedagogical, psychological and physiological methods of work. In addition, it was noted that for rehabilitation therapists it is important knowledge of intersubject relationships. The active-operational component of the professional activity of students has been investigated. In addition, it is noted that the physiotherapist should be professional in the selection of exercises for remedial gymnastic. Since it was found that the neuropsychological overload of students requires physical therapy.


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How to Cite

Bilyk, V., Bashtovenko, O., Biriukova, T., Osipov, V., Kriukova, M., & Tomich, L. (2022). Principles of Realization of Physical Therapy for Students: Modern Views of Neuropedagogy and Neuropsychology. BRAIN. Broad Research in Artificial Intelligence and Neuroscience, 13(1), 132-144.

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