Modern Methods of Psychotherapy and Psychocorrection


  • Viktoriia Vdovenko Volodymyr Vynnychenko Central Ukrainian State Pedagogical University
  • Olha Kovalova Bogdan Khmelnitsky Melitopol State Pedagogical University
  • Dina Shulzhenko National Pedagogical Drahomanov University
  • Nelia Bihun National Pedagogical Dragomanov University
  • Tamara Kryvonis Natoinal Pirogov Memorial Medical University
  • Larysa Absalyamova Kharkiv National Pedagogical University named by G. S. Skovoroda



Psychological approaches, psychological practice, specialists of psychological services, clients, mental processes and deviations, neuropsychology, methods of neuropsychocorrection


The article considers modern methods of psychotherapy and psychocorrection as a means of providing psychological assistance. The scientific understanding of the differences and similarities in modern psychotherapeutic and  technologies of psychocorrection and their role in the application of modern methods of psychotherapy and psychocorrection in the experience of foreign and domestic scientists and specialists of psychological services has been deepened. The specificity of the relationship and the ratio of the terms "psychotherapy" and "psychocorrection" are argued. The analysis of an integrated approach to the question of the relationship between the methods of psychotherapy and psychocorrection is carried out according to the tasks, goals and content of practical psychological work. It is noted that psychocorrection is very closely related to neurosciences, in particular neuropsychology. It is recommended to consider the role of neuropsychocorrection in the context of the theoretical and methodological foundations of the study of the formation of psychotherapeutic knowledge about the pathological functioning of the brain and systemic mental disorders in medical practice. The classification of modern methods of psychocorrection (psychotherapy) is presented. Some recommendations are given for the correctional and developmental work of a practical psychologist. The content of the article argues that modern methods of psychotherapy (correction) in psychological practice can be viewed as an eclectic combination within the framework of different psychological approaches in order to increase the psychological resource capacity of the client.


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How to Cite

Vdovenko, V., Kovalova, O., Shulzhenko, D., Bihun, N., Kryvonis, T., & Absalyamova, L. (2022). Modern Methods of Psychotherapy and Psychocorrection. BRAIN. Broad Research in Artificial Intelligence and Neuroscience, 13(3), 152-165.

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