Training Future Social Workers for Preventive-Corrective Work by Methods of Neuropsychology and Neurocorrection of Deviant Adolescent Behaviour




Social worker, deviant adolescents, professional training, diagnostics, neuropsychocorrection, preventive measures


The article shows that adolescents are most psychologically vulnerable to multi-vector social influences of today, an abundance of both positive and negative social factors and the declining role of moral values in civil society. Also, it highlights a special role of social workers in the socialization of deviant adolescents. Indeed, it is social workers who ensure cooperation among parents, teachers, law enforcement agencies, social services agencies, psychologists, speech therapists and psychotherapists to prevent juvenile misdemeanours in the framework of value-based education. The areas of socio-psychological assistance provided by social workers to deviant adolescents are prevention and intervention (neurocorrection and coping). To help adolescents cope with deviant behaviour under the guidance of social workers, one must teach them to make choices, assess the consequences of their decisions, regulate emotional processes and organize their lives under generally accepted norms. In the long run, it will become possible to mitigate existing psychological disorders and ensure their socialization. Given the social significance of social work, it is crucial to expand the boundaries of corresponding training by developing interdisciplinary competencies, especially in the field of practical neuropsychology. Finally, the article analyzes the main methods of neuropsychological correction and preventive work with deviant adolescents under the compulsory supervision of social workers.

Author Biography

Daria Bybyk, Educational Problems of National Academy of Pedagogical Sciences of Ukraine

Institute of Problems on Education of the National Academy of Educational Sciences of Ukraine, Kyiv, Ukraine, National Pedagogical Dragomanov University, Kyiv, Ukraine


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How to Cite

Kovalenko, I., Oros, O., Chorna, I., Borodina, O., Zamashkina, O., & Bybyk, D. (2022). Training Future Social Workers for Preventive-Corrective Work by Methods of Neuropsychology and Neurocorrection of Deviant Adolescent Behaviour. BRAIN. Broad Research in Artificial Intelligence and Neuroscience, 13(2), 211-244.

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