Psycho-Pedagogical Experience of Intellectual Education in the Views of Ukrainian and Foreign Pedagogues as the Basis of Modern Neuropedagogy
Sovetskaya Pedagogika (periodical), professional-pedagogical periodicals, historical and pedagogical experience, retrospective analysis, foreign experience, stages of development, neuropedagogy, neuropsychologyAbstract
It is extremely important to reconsider psycho-pedagogical experience in the problem of intellectual education that is mainly highlighted on the pages of the leading periodical “Sovetskaya Pedagogika”. The research hypothesis is the possibility of using the pedagogical experience of the journal’s co-authors to justify the basic principles of neuropedagogy, which became widespread after its publication had ended. The research aims to identify and generalize the main areas of intellectual education on the pages of the journal based on a holistic retrospective analysis of professional publications and, thus, identify the factual material and theoretical approaches which have formed the basis of modern neuropedagogy. Research methods involve a set of general scientific and psycho-pedagogical methods: systematic search methods (identification, theoretical analysis and systematization of historical-and-pedagogical works and materials of pedagogical periodicals); historical-and-retrospective methods (analysis of the content and characteristics of reflection and solving of problems related to intellectual education on the pages of the journal); comparative methods (comparison of events, phenomena and facts mentioned in the journal, in particular, the views of national and international theorists and practitioners on the problems of intellectual education, which have formed the basis of modern neuropedagogy). In the paper, theoretical generalization and a new approach to solving a topical problem of generalizing the main areas of intellectual education on the pages of the periodical, namely, the problem of intellectual education in the context of developing an idea on the individual’s harmonious development; a comprehensive approach to the problem of intellectual education on the pages of the periodical; the problem of intellectual development as the basis of intellectual education on the pages of the periodical “; promotion of cognitive activity and independence as an effective means of intellectual education; pedagogical views on the problem of intellectual education on the pages of the periodical; foreign experience in promoting intellectual education on the pages of the periodical have been presented. The stages in the history of forming and developing the periodical “Sovetskaya Pedagogika” (1937–1991) have been concretized following the status and subordination. Particular facts, concepts and problems of the prominent educational journal in the context of establishing the ideas of neuropedagogy and neuropsychology have been specified. The significance of pedagogical periodicals as an important source of psycho-pedagogical research has been justified.
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