About the Journal
Focus and Scope |
European Journal of Law and Public Administration (EJLPA) is an open access peer-reviewed journal, whose main aim is to promote dialogue and debate on topics such as law, public administration.
EJLPA is a journal dedicated to European studies on law, administrative sciences and related topics, therefore we will encourage those papers which focus on the specific particularities from these topics, and /or authors coming from these areas. The journal considers with a special attention the manuscripts which can be of interest for policy makers and/or practitioners.
The journal does not exclude submissions from regions other than European countries if the papers are of interest for the debated topics of the journal.
The journal accepts manuscripts such as theoretical articles, research articles, reviews, editorials (only invited), letters to editors and comments.
Frequency | 2 issues/ year
Abstracting & Indexing | Erih Plus; HeinOnline; CEEOL; RePEc; CrossRef; Google Scholar; KVK; WorldCat; ICI Journals Master List - Index Copernicus; EBSCO
Governing body | Stefan cel Mare University of Suceava, Faculty of Law and Administrative Sciences, Romania
Publisher | LUMEN journals are published by LUMEN Publishing in cooperation with LUMEN Publishing Group (which includes LUMEN Media SRL, Iasi, Romania, Logos Panda SRL, Iasi, Romania and LUMEN Media Ltd, London, United Kingdom).
The Scientific Journals Division of LUMEN Publishing Group is proudly managed by Logos Panda SRL, Iasi, Romania.
Fiscal Code: 42930920
Registered as: J22/1906/2020
EUID: ROONRC.J22/1906/2020
Address: BLD. NICOLAE IORGA, NR.55B, BL. R2, SC. A, ET.8, AP.33
Bank accounts:
Name of the Bank: Banca Transilvania
Branch of the Bank: Agenția Podu Roș, Iasi, Romania
Address of the Bank: Bd. Socola, Nr.2, Bl.F, tronson 4, Iasi, Romania
European Journal of Law and Public Administration has an Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs CC BY-NC-ND