
  • Petronela SCUTARIU Assistant Ph.D, "Stefan cel Mare" University of Suceava



Administration, control-evaluation, local government, local community, local public interest.


In all its work, the local government aims to satisfy the interests of the local community. That purpose cannot be achieved without exercising the administrative functions and control-assessment in the local government. To reflect the importance of these two functions for the proper functioning of local government, this article proposes to review their contents. The investigations show that by exercising the administration function is made a rational management of resources - human, material, financial and information - that enables efficient pre-defined targets to meet local interests. In addition, the targets are expected to be executed by the intervention of the control-evaluation function. Achieving the ultimate goal of local government – satisfying the local public interest is linked to the exercise of control and evaluation function and its role in sensing shortcomings and their elimination for the good management of local public affairs.

Scutariu, P. (2015). ADMINISTRATION AND CONTROL-EVALUATION IN THE FUNCTIONING OF LOCAL GOVERNMENT. European Journal of Law and Public Administration, Year2015, Volume 2, Issue 1, pp. 57-64. DOI:


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How to Cite

SCUTARIU, P. (2015). ADMINISTRATION AND CONTROL-EVALUATION IN THE FUNCTIONING OF LOCAL GOVERNMENT. European Journal of Law and Public Administration, 2(1), 57-64.



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