Application Specifications Regarding Project Decisions in the Local Public Administration of Grăniceşti Commune, Suceava County, Romania


  • Petronela Scutariu Lecturer PhD, "Ştefan cel Mare" University of Suceava, Faculty of Law and Administrative Sciences, Suceava, Romania 
  • Diana-Daniela Nuţu Master Student, "Ştefan cel Mare" University of Suceava, Faculty of Law and Administrative Sciences, Suceava, Romania



decisions for public projects, local public administration, local collectivity, mayor, local council, modernization of primary school, restoration of calamitated bridge, rehabilitation of human dispensary


In order to optimize the public administration process, the local authorities initiate and implement projects oriented to the needs of the beneficiaries of the administrative-territorial unit they represent. In this context, this paper aims to analyze projects initiated at the local community to highlight the results that the beneficiaries will have from the implementation of those projects, by reporting to the case of Grăniceşti commune in Suceava County. Through the project of restoration and modernization of the primary school in the locality, the renovation of the educational institution was carried out, thus ensuring an institutional framework in which the teaching activities to take place in optimal conditions. Through the project of restoring the calamited bridge in the area, a new bridge was built for traffic, being guaranteed the safety of crossing the river, with an effect on improving the living standards of the local citizens. The project for the rehabilitation and modernization of the human dispensary in the locality ensured the endowment of the sanitary unit with high-performance equipment capable of providing quality public health services.


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Specialized commission for economic and social development programs, budget, finance, for the administration of the public and private domain of the commune, agriculture, communal management, environmental protection, urbanism. (2017b). Approval report for the draft decision on the approval of the technical-economic indicators related to the investment objective "Restoration and modernization of the primary school in Dumbrava, Grăniceşti commune, Suceava county". Specialized commission for economic and social development programs, budget, finance, for the administration of the public and private domain of the commune, agriculture, communal management, environmental protection, urbanism.




How to Cite

Scutariu, P. ., & Nuţu, D.-D. . (2022). Application Specifications Regarding Project Decisions in the Local Public Administration of Grăniceşti Commune, Suceava County, Romania. European Journal of Law and Public Administration, 9(1), 23-36.

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