The Local Public Transport Service in the Municipality of Suceava


  • Irina Bilouseac Associate Professor PhD, "Ştefan cel Mare" University of Suceava, Faculty of Law and Administrative Sciences, Suceava, Romania
  • Lavinia Ungureanu Bachelor's Graduate, "Ştefan cel Mare" University of Suceava, Faculty of Law and Administrative Sciences, Suceava, Romania



public services, local public transport, quality indicators, decentralization


In order to optimize the public administration process, the local authorities, which operate in a decentralized regime, provide public services to the population that satisfies the needs of the beneficiaries of the administrative-territorial unit they represent. In this context, in this paper we propose to analyze the local public transport service in the Municipality of Suceava, which is part of the sphere of community services of public utility and which is a decentralized public service subordinated to the Town Hall of the Municipality of Suceava. We want to analyze how this service is provided to the population of Suceava Municipality and whether decentralization has influenced the development of the local public transport service and the effects that decentralization has in terms of increasing the quality of life for the local community.


Local public transport operator of Suceava Municipality (TPL). (2021). Capacităţi de transport [Transport capabilities]. Local public transport operator of Suceava Municipality.

Romanian Parliament. (2007). Legea nr. 92/2007 privind serviciile de transport public local [Law no. 92/2007 regarding local transport services]. Monitorul Oficial al României, Partea I, nr. 262 din 19 aprilie 2007 [Official Gazette of Romania, Part I, no. 262 from April 19, 2007].

Town Hall Municipality of Suceava. (2016). Strategia Integrată de Dezvoltare Urbană a Municipiului Suceava (2016-2023) [Integrated Strategy for Urban Development of Suceava Municipality (2016-2023)]. Town Hall Municipality of Suceava.

Town Hall Municipality of Suceava. (2019). Programul Operaţional Regional 2014-2020, Sistem Integrat de Transport Public Ecologic în Municipiul Suceava [Regional Operational Program 2014-2020, Integrated Ecological Public Transport System in the Municipality of Suceava]. Town Hall Municipality of Suceava.

Town Hall Municipality of Suceava. (2021). Official Page. Town Hall Municipality of Suceava.

Town Hall Municipality of Suceava. (n.d.). Programul de cooperare elveţiano-român [The Swiss- Romanian Cooperation Program, Electromobility – Electrical Vehicles for a green municipality]. Town Hall Municipality of Suceava.




How to Cite

Bilouseac, I. ., & Ungureanu, L. . (2022). The Local Public Transport Service in the Municipality of Suceava. European Journal of Law and Public Administration, 9(1), 37-47.

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