The Limits within which the Contracting Authority may Proceed with the Forced Execution of the Winning Association in the Public Procurement Procedure


  • Cristian Macsim Assistant professor at "Stefan cel Mare" University of Suceava - Faculty of Law and Administrative Sciences



joint venture, awarding entity, public procurement, forced execution, service contract, works execution contract, joint tender


This article deals with the possibility for awarding entities to proceed with the forced execution of all members of an association set up for the performance of public or sectoral procurement contracts provided for by Law 98/2016 and Law 99/2016, in the event that, on the basis of a damage inspection report issued by a judicial public authority, the court definitively grants a judgment in favour of the awarding entity.

Unlike commercial companies with legal personality, joint ventures are governed only by contractual clauses and are exempt from any incorporation formalities, as they do not benefit from legal personality.

The purpose of the article is to highlight the misinterpretation of substantive law rules when concrete situations arise in which the awarding entity benefits from an enforceable title represented by a final court decision by which it executes all the members of the association although the documents underlying the signature and execution of the works or services contract specify an individual liability.


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How to Cite

Macsim, C. . (2022). The Limits within which the Contracting Authority may Proceed with the Forced Execution of the Winning Association in the Public Procurement Procedure. European Journal of Law and Public Administration, 9(1), 78-87.

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