Chemical Methods for Revealing Latent Fingerprints on Wooden Surfaces and in their Mass


  • Andrei Ceobanu Associate Assistant, “Ștefan cel Mare” University of Suceava



latent fingerprints, wooden surface, chemical method, forensics


Fingerprints are used since 19th century by Police forces to identify criminals and murderers. In 20th century the evolution of science contributed to develop forensic methods for revealing latent fingerprints. One of the most used chemical method for revealing latent fingerprints on documents and paper objects is made by using Ninhydrin. This substance has great results but is affecting the characteristics of ink or other scriptural substances.

In 21st century, scientists developed a new method in this field using a new discovered substance named Indandione. The new substance is more used by forensic scientists than Ninhydrin. Forensic literature has not documented the results of Ninhydrin applied on wooden surfaces. Using Ninhydrin on these surfaces, natural wood which has not applied varnish film, forensic scientists or specialists will have surprising results. On wood surfaces without varnish film, Ninhydrin acts like on the paper but the time interval from applying Ninhydrin and revealing fingerprints is longer, about one week, with daily treatments.

Treatment with Ninhydrin on wooden surfaces was not too documented by forensic scientists because, in developed countries, murders committed using wooden instruments has a small rate. In my country, majority of murders are committed in rural communities where the level of education is commonly low and people are using this kind of weapons to commit crimes (axes, pitchforks, etc.). By using Ninhydrin I achieved an identification of a murderer. This method can be successfully developed and use in forensics.


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How to Cite

Ceobanu, A. . (2022). Chemical Methods for Revealing Latent Fingerprints on Wooden Surfaces and in their Mass. European Journal of Law and Public Administration, 9(1), 88-93.

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