Issues Related to the Statute of Limitations for Criminal Liability


  • Ion Ifrim Professor PhD Hab., scientific researcher II, Institute of Legal Research, „Acad.Andrei Rădulescu” of the Romanian Academy; ”Stefan cel Mare” University of Suceava, Romania



prescription of criminal liability, effects, time limits, calculation of prescription, suspension


In this article, we have endeavoured to briefly set out and analyse the issue of the prescription of criminal liability in criminal proceedings. Presenting the arguments put forward in support of the views expressed in the criminal literature on this issue and allowing us to present the view that we consider appropriate at the current stage of the process, we believe that the issue is quite important in two respects, theoretically and practically.


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How to Cite

Ifrim, I. . (2022). Issues Related to the Statute of Limitations for Criminal Liability. European Journal of Law and Public Administration, 9(1), 94-103.

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