Third Party Litigation Funding – between Business Opportunity and Facilitating Access to Justice


  • Maria Dumitru-Nica Associate Professor PhD, Faculty of Law and Administrative Sciences, „Ştefan cel Mare” University, Suceava; Lawyer, Iaşi Bar, Romania



third party litigation funding, litigation finance contracts, ICC Rules of Arbitration, pactum de quota litis


On the one hand, the financial support that a litigant can obtain in order to bear the costs that litigation would entail would considerably facilitate the party's access to justice, but, on the other hand, precisely this difficult situation in which can find a litigant, can also be seen as a business opportunity for specialized companies that aim to make investments under the most conveniant conditions.

The present article proposes a brief analysis of some aspects regarding a new trend in today's litigation funding which, at least at first sight, proves to be attractive and interesting: third party litigation funding.


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How to Cite

Dumitru-Nica, M. . (2022). Third Party Litigation Funding – between Business Opportunity and Facilitating Access to Justice. European Journal of Law and Public Administration, 9(1), 104-111.

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