Discontinued and Ceased journals published by LUMEN Journals Division, LUMEN Publishing
We kindly invite you to see the options below for journals that are no longer published by LUMEN Publishing. The journals have either been transferred or have ceased publication. If a journal has been transferred to another publisher, please click on the new publishing company name and you will be directed to their webpage. If a journal has ceased publication, it means that no other companies will be publishing these journals.
Selected journals will be transferred for publication to another managing company, but still hosted by LUMEN Open Journal System online platform, www.lumenpublishing.com/journals, check the list.
Transferred open access journals
- Anuarul Universitatii "Petre Andrei" din Iasi - Fascicula: Drept, Stiinte Economice, Stiinte Politice (Currently published by Polis Books Publishing www.polisbooks.ro)
- Anuarul Universitatii Petre Andrei din Iasi - Fascicula: Asistenta Sociala, Sociologie, Psihologie (Currently published by Polis Books Publishing www.polisbooks.ro)
- Broad Research in Artificial Intelligence and Neuroscience (Currently published by EduSoft Publishing www.edusoft.ro/brain)
- Broad Research in Accounting, Negotiation and Distribution (transferred to initial owner - EduSoft Publishing)
- Linguistic and Literary Broad Research and Innovation (transferred to initial owner - EduSoft Publishing)
Transferred open access journals with continuity on the LUMEN Open Journal System online platform
Ceased open access journals
- Journal of Mediation & Social Welfare
- Journal for Social Media Inquiry
- Journal for Ethics in Social Studies
- Eastern-European Journal of Medical Humanities and Bioethics
- Moldavian Journal for Education and Social Psychology
- Logos Universality Mentality Education Novelty: Political Sciences & European Studies
- Logos Universality Mentality Education Novelty: Economics & Administrative Sciences
Prof. Antonio Sandu
President of LUMEN Publishing House
August 2024 | last updated: 18.09.2024
LUMEN Scientific Publishing House has been a part of the publishing market for more than 20 years. It was established in 2001, within the LUMEN Editorial Group. LUMEN Scientific Publishing House has been operating as a professional scientific structure since 2001, following its registration with the National Library of Romania and obtaining the right to produce and distribute books, publications etc.
is divided into three major components: 1. books, 2. conference proceedings, 3. scientific journals
Within this component, individual volumes, collective volumes, coordinated volumes (monographs, treatises, PhD theses and university courses) are published, but also fiction books and volumes of poetry. So far, LUMEN Scientific Publishing has published approximately 800 book titles, out of which over 70% are scientific books and university courses (approximately 560 titles).
From a scientific perspective, LUMEN Scientific Publishing specializes in the field of social and humanistic sciences. Regarding humanities, subdomains of philosophy are especially being privileged, out of which we mainly focused on contemporary philosophy and certain niche areas of philosophy, such as bioethics and the ethics of technologies, but also applied ethics in general, philosophy of religions, philosophy of culture, and placed a lower emphasis on works referring to the history of philosophy and philosophical exegesis of works from other epochs of philosophy than modern and contemporary. However, these are not completely missing from the editorial pursuits of LUMEN Scientific Publishing, as long as we are talking about a recontextualization and a reinterpretation of the great contributions to universal philosophy in a contemporary key.
Over time, LUMEN Scientific Publishing has approached a series of thematic axes in the field of scientific books, around which it has grouped most of its publishing activity, without neglecting other areas of scientific research in priority areas of knowledge. The first thematic axis is the knowledge society, through books grouped in the Social Development book series and, respectively, in the Cultural Dimensions book series, regarding the particularities of social phenomena in the post- and trans-modern society (knowledge society), approached from a philosophical perspective, including bioethics, philosophy of new technologies and technoethics, transhumanist perspectives, applied ethics, especially the ethics of professions (for example, ethics in public administration, in advertising, in social assistance etc.). This dimension of philosophical and culturological analysis of the contemporary society is extended by volumes depicting a sociological analysis of the post- and trans-modern knowledge society, of recent studies in the field of history, of the phenomenological perspective on the contemporary society. A particular axis of analysis is philosophical counseling and philosophical practice. An example is the field of philosophical counseling, in connection to which workshops were organized, with participants like the president of the Association of Philosophical Counselors in Romania, but also representatives of the Institut de Pratiques Philosophiques in France, among others. This direction of research and editorial effort culminates with the publication of the journal Postmodern Openings, starting with 2009, that has been indexed, since 2017, in Web of Science, but also of the journals Eastern European Journal of Medical Humanities and Bioethics and Journal of Ethics in Social Sciences. Of course, editorial pursuits did not omit classical themes of philosophy, such as the philosophy of spirituality and religion, gnoseology, epistemology, modern philosophy.
Another field of interest for LUMEN Scientific Publishing is history, especially the historiographical perspective, but also the studies of oral history. We mainly select for publication works that intertwine history studies with cultural, geo-political, recent military history, historical and cultural anthropology, history of Romanian law (in correlation with emerging systems of social norms reflected in the works published within the Law book series, that go beyond the strict issues of law and also analyze the particularities of the history of Romanian and universal law, while some volumes could be placed at the point of convergence between cultural anthropology and legal anthropology).
Regarding the field of philology, we were most interested in the transdisciplinary openness of philological studies, the correlations that these studies make with anthropology, philosophy, aesthetics, contemporaneity and the recontextualization of classical literary themes in the postmodern society, without omitting the elements of classical literary exegesis or study of the Romanian language or foreign languages, in a cultural and intercultural context. In fact, the transdisciplinary approach of any topic is a defining element for most scientific books published under the patronage of LUMEN Scientific Publishing.
In the field of social sciences, in addition to reference works in sociology and social assistance, of authors such as Ştefan Cojocaru, Vasile Miftode, Sandu Frunză, Adrian Hatos etc., who have set directions in current Romanian research in their specific fields, we are particularly delighted that the area of social-constructionist epistremology, located at the convergence between philosophy and social sciences, is currently a privileged direction of research, gathering more and more researchers, for most of whom books and scientific articles published by LUMEN Scientific Publishing represent an almost mandatory reference. Basically, the social-constructionist perspective, in the manner approached by LUMEN Scientific Publishing, largely due to the activity of LUMEN Research Center in Social and Humanistic Sciences, under under whose scientific patronage LUMEN Scientific Publishing House operates, is currently noticed both in Romania and abroad, papers and, especially, scientific articles published in this field by LUMEN Scientific Publishing collect citations in doctoral theses in our country and abroad, but also in prestigious journals in the field of arts and humanities and in the field of social sciences.
Also in the field of social sciences, LUMEN Scientific Publishing has developed the Law book series, dedicated primarily to law books, but which also includes works in the fields of state and law history, legal sociology, biolaw, legal philosophy, historical personalities involved in developing the Romanian and international legal system.
One of the peculiarities of the LUMEN editorial program is the support of young researchers and the orientation towards the promotion of young scientists. Over 60% of the works published by LUMEN Scientific Publishing have young authors up to 40 years old or debutee researchers. The Program for the Promotion of Young Researchers has been traditional for LUMEN Scientific Publishing since 2004 and became a real brand of the publishing house, by carrying out two selection stages per year, during March and October, when researchers who have not previously published a volume, but only studies in scientific journals are invited to propose volumes, including doctoral theses. Within this editorial program the emphasis is placed on the peer review process, in order to identify the works that pose the greatest potential for contribution to their particular field of research, even if at the time of publication the authors are relatively unknown in academia. We are particularly proud that a number of young researchers, many of whom made their debut with volumes published by LUMEN Scientific Publishing, have become personalities of the academic world, leading other young researchers in the mysteries of scientific research, including by coordinating PhD Students. For more clarifications, we invite you to view the descriptions of the authors on the author pages presented on the websites www.edituralumen.ro and www.lumenpublishing.com
The publication of books component within LUMEN Scientific Publishing activity brings together in the editorial calendar a series of book series in the field of scientific books that aim to promote science and scientific and cultural creativity.
The Cultural Dimensions book series aims to publish books in the fields of: cultural studies, universal, modern and contemporary history, historiography, art history, history of ideas, social, political and military history, collective memory, anthropology, British, American, Jewish, Islamic cultural studies, museology, museography and science of collections, bibliology, ethnology, philosophy, myths, rituals, symbolic representations and religious studies, philosophy of religion, cultural heritage, visual arts, performing arts. The coordinator of the book series is prof. PhD Tudor Maxim – “Ştefan cel Mare” University of Suceava, editor in the field of philosophy is assoc. lect. PhD Ana Frunză – LUMEN Research Center in Social and Humanistic Sciences, editor in the field of philology is assoc. assist. PhD. Ana Crăciunescu – “Ştefan cel Mare” University of Suceava, and editor in the field of history is PhD Elena Gafton – LUMEN Research Center in Social and Humanistic Sciences. So far, the book series contains a number of over 129 titles published in the last 10 years, out of which 45 titles have been published in the last 5 years. Details regarding the Cultural Dimensions book series are available HERE
The Social Development book series is one of the 6 scientific book series in the LUMEN editorial calendar and aims to publish scientific books and university courses in the fields of social sciences and humanities, including sociology, social work, political sciences, communication sciences, public administration, international relations, social work , social psychology, developmental psychology, social intervention, applied ethics, gender studies, European studies, anthropology. The book series focuses not only on university courses and treatises, but also on the promotion of niche topics, more difficult to approach in social sciences, which promote scientific research and aims to modernize social sciences in general. The coordinator of the Social Development book series is PhD Elena Gafton – LUMEN Research Center in Social and Humanistic Sciences, editor in charge of the collection is PhD Stud. Alexandra Huidu – Doctoral School of Sociology of the University of Oradea, in co-coordination with the Doctoral School of the University of Medicine and Pharmacy Grigore T. Popa from Iaşi and LUMEN Research Center in Social and Humanistic Sciences, member of the editorial board in the field of sociology and social assistance is assoc. lect. PhD Roxana Necula – Alexandru Ioan Cuza University of Iaşi, members of the editorial committee in the field of political sciences are assoc. lect. PhD Lucian Dîrdală – Alexandru Ioan Cuza University of Iaşi, PhD Ciprian Iftimoaei – deputy executive director, Iaşi County Directorate of Statistics, as well as assoc. assist. PhD Dorina Ţicu – Alexandru Ioan Cuza University of Iasi. So far, the book series contains a number of over 105 titles published in the last 10 years, out of which 40 titles have been published in the last 5 years. The Social Development book series can be viewed online HERE
The Law books series aims to publish law books in the traditional fields of law, but also to promote new, emerging branches of law, as follows: general criminal law, special criminal law, criminal enforcement law, criminology, forensics, forensic medicine, legal sociology, civil law, family law, commercial law, labor law, human rights and biolaw, civil procedural law, European law, public international law, private international law, criminal procedural law, international trade law, financial-fiscal law, administrative law, constitutional law. Collection coordinator is prof. PhD Nadia Cerasela Aniţei – Faculty of Legal, Social and Political Sciences of “Dunărea de Jos” University from Galaţi, and the editor responsible for the collection is PhD. Stud. Alexandra Huidu – Doctoral School of Sociology of the University of Oradea, in co-coordination with the Doctoral School of the University of Medicine and Pharmacy Grigore T. Popa from Iaşi and the LUMEN Research Center in Social and Humanistic Sciences. So far the book series contains a number of over 76 titles published in the last 10 years, out of which 35 titles have appeared in the last 5 years. Details regarding the Law book series are available HERE
The Conference Proceedings book series had its debut in 2010. The universality of science imposed the open access publishing policy, as a desideratum of LUMEN Scientific Publishing and of our collaborators to make science available to all those interested. The editorial maturity lies in the tradition that LUMEN Scientific Publishing, in collaboration with LUMEN Conference Center and LUMEN Research Center in Social and Humanistic Sciences, has in organizing large-scale scientific events, resulting in the publication of proceedings that have been indexed in the most prestigious international databases. The volumes of the scientific conferences organized by LUMEN Association or our partners are published in the Conference Proceedings book series. Details regarding the Conference Proceedings book series are available HERE
The Handbook of Research book series is the newest collection of LUMEN Scientific Publishing, started in 2018. In this book series you will find volumes that bring together syntheses, literature reviews, micro-research, theoretical debates in innovative fields of science, or emerging theories that become noted internationally as new directions of analysis and research within the scientific mainstream. The book series aims to publish books in the field of social and humanistic sciences and to courageously promote innovation and originality in research. Details regarding the Handbook of Research book series are available HERE
The selection of volumes for publication aims not only to promote outstanding authors, recognized in their field of work, but also to promote young researchers. LUMEN Scientific Publishing shows a constant preoccupation to promote in its editorial offer titles of topicality and inter- or multi-disciplinary works.
LUMEN PROCEEDINGS is a distinct sub-department in the structure of LUMEN Scientific Publishing, which started its activity in 2010 also within the book publishing activity, but distinct from the one of publishing treatises, courses and monographs, following the numerous requests of conferences organizers to publish the results of their scientific conferences, and it is a book series oriented exclusively towards publication of papers resulted from scientific conferences. Proceedings published by LUMEN Scientific Publishing can be published open access at https://lumenpublishing.com/proceedings/arhiva-proceedings/, as well as at http://proceedings.lumenpublishing.com/ojs/index.php/lumenproceedings
The volumes of proceedings published by LUMEN Scientific Publishing are indexed in databases that guarantee, through their selection criteria, the fulfillment of the strictest scientific quality desideratum, databases like Web of Science and CEEOL. The volumes of proceedings published by LUMEN Scientific Publishing are generally transdisciplinary, and the main fields of publication are humanities, social sciences, economics, legal sciences, social and humanistic sciences in the medical field, while maintaining the main character of a publishing house dedicated to the fields of humanities and social sciences.
To date, LUMEN PROCEEDINGS has published 23 volumes of proceedings, both in and out of the LUMEN Proceedings series, in which more than 1,040 researchers from 24 countries have been involved as authors: USA, United Kingdom , Bulgaria, Czech Republic, Croatia, Estonia, Finland, France, Georgia, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Iran, Iraq, Italy, Latvia, Macedonia, Malaysia, Moldova, Romania, Poland, Russia, Turkey.
LUMEN JOURNALS is a distinct sub-department in the structure of LUMEN Scientific Publishing, which has been dealing with the establishment and publication of scientific journals since 2009. Each scientific journal of LUMEN Scientific Publishing has its own website. LUMEN Scientific Publishing offers its readers a collection of 19 scientific journals, in which unidisciplinary, multidisciplinary and transdisciplinary articles can be published, a series that, as a outgrowth of the authors whose works are published, as well as to the research institutions to which they are affiliated, was noted as the most comprehensive and complex collection of scientific journals of a Romanian publishing house in the field of social and humanistic sciences. LUMEN scientific journals are indexed in the most famous international databases, and thanks to this visibility, which successfully completes the quality of published works, they are frequently cited in research papers in Romania and abroad.
LUMEN Scientific Publishing, in partnership with Expert Projects Publishing and with the special support of Prof. PhD. Ştefan Cojocaru, founded in 2004 the Journal of Research and Social Intervention (Revista de Cercetare şi Intervenţie Socială), which in 2008 was indexed Web of Science, becoming the first Romanian journal in the field of social sciences indexed in this database. Since 2012, the scientific journal Revista de Cercetare şi Interventie Socială remained in the exclusive editorial administration of Expert Projects Publishing, which at that time became an independent entity from the LUMEN Editorial Group.
In 2009 the first issue of the scientific journal Revista Românească pentru Educatie Multidimensională (Romanian Journal for Multidimensional Education) was published, followed in 2010 by the publication of the first issue of the journal Postmodern Openings. Currently Romanian Journal for Multidimensional Education is indexed in Web of Science, as well as in EBSCO; ICI Journals Master List – Index Copernicus; CEEOL; Ulrich ProQuest; Cabell, Journalseek; Scipio; KVK; WorldCat; CrossRef; J-GATE; RePeC Ideas; Econpapers; Socionet; Google Scholar.
In 2010, LUMEN Scientific Publishing takes over in editorial administration a series of three scientific journals, that have their own editorial board, which was formed by the founders of the journals. This is the Yearbook of the “Petre Andrei” University of Iasi – Section: Social Work, Sociology, Psychology (indexed in Erih Plus, EconPapers, RePEc, CEEOL, ICI Journals Master List – Index Copernicus, CrossRef, CrossCheck, Google Scholar, WorldCat, KVK , SOCIONET), Yearbook of “Petre Andrei” University of Iasi – Section: Law, Economic Sciences, Political Sciences (indexed in Erih Plus, EconPapers, RePEc, CEEOL, INDEX COPERNICUS, CrossRef, CrossCheck, Google Scholar, WorldCat, KVK, SOCIONET) , as well as the Journal of Legal Studies (indexed in CEEOL, CrossRef, CrossCheck, Index Copernicus, Ideas RePeC, EconPapers, Socionet, HeinOnline). Starting with 2024 the Yearbook is published by PolisBooks Publishing, the archives between 2013-2023 being still available on the LUMEN Publishing website.
In 2011 the LUMEN Scientific Publishing House launches the LUMEN series of journals Logos, Universality, Mentality, Education, Novelty, comprised of 5 distinct sections, as follows: LUMEN Social Sciences, LUMEN Philosophy & Humanistic Sciences, LUMEN Political Sciences & European Studies, LUMEN Law (each of which is indexed in ERIH PLUS, HeinOnline, CEEOL, CrossRef, CrossCheck, J-GATE, WorldCat, KVK, Google Scholar, RePeC Ideas, Econpapers, Socionet, ICI Journals Master List – Copernicus Index), as well as LUMEN Economics & Administrative Sciences (indexed in CEEOL, CrossRef, CrossCheck, Google Scholar, Ideas RePeC, Econpapers, Socionet, KVK, WorldCat, ICI Journals Master List – Index Copernicus).
In 2014, LUMEN Scientific Publishing establishes, in partnership with and under the auspices of the Faculty of Law and Administrative Sciences of the “Ştefan cel Mare” University of Suceava, the European Journal of Law and Public Administration (indexed in Erih Plus, Google Scholar; KVK ; WorldCat; CrossRef; CEEOL; RePEc; HeinOnline).
In 2017, LUMEN Scientific Publishing House established three other scientific journals, Moldavian Journal for Education and Social Psychology (indexed in CrossRef; RePEc; CEEOL; KVK; WorldCat; Google Scholar), Eastern-European Journal of Medical Humanities and Bioethics (indexed in CrossRef ; RePEc; CEEOL; KVK; WorldCat; Google Scholar, ICI Journals Master List – Index Copernicus) and Journal for Ethics in Social Studies (indexed in Erich Plus; CrossRef; RePEc; CEEOL; KVK; WorldCat; Google Scholar; ICI Journals Master List – Index Copernicus).
In 2018, LUMEN Scientific Publishing House establishes the Journal for Social Media Inquiry (indexed in CrossRef; RePEc; CEEOL; Google Scholar, ICI Journals Master List – Copernicus Index), and in 2019 the first issue of the Journal of Mediation & Social Welfare was published (indexed in CrossRef; RePEc; Google Scholar; ICI Journals Master List – Index Copernicus).
Also in 2019, the journal BRAIN. Broad Research in Artificial Intelligence and Neuroscience was also indexed in Web of Science, but also in Erich Plus, DOAJ; EBSCO (EBSCO Open Access Computer Science, EBSCO Open Access Journals, EBSCO Open Access Medical and Health Collection); CEEOL; PubMed.gov; IndexCopernicus; The Linguist List; Google Scholar; Ulrichs; Genamics JournalSeek; SHERPA / RoMEO; BIUM (Interuniversity Library of Medicine and Dentistry); ArticleReach Direct; Link +; CSB (Collection of Computer Science Bibliographies); KVK; WorldCat; CrossRef; RePeC Ideas; Econpapers; Socionet. The journal BRAIN was taken over in editorial administration by LUMEN Scientific Publishing House in 2019, together with the journal BRAND. Broad Research in Accounting, Negotiation and Distribution (indexed in CrossRef; EBSCO; CEEOL; RePEc (Ideas, EconPapers); DOAJ; Ulrich’s; IndexCopernicus; getCITED; Google Academic; Socionet.ru; NewJour; Sherpa / Romeo; Socolar; WorldCat; KVK ; J-Gate) and LiBRI. Linguistic and Literary Broad Research and Innovation (indexed in ERIH PLUS; CrossRef; EBSCO; Econpapers; CEEOL; Google Academic; Zenodo; FigShare; Mendeley; The Linguist List; Search Works; CiteFactor; Integrity Ethics; Academic Journals Database; Fabula. La Recherche en litterature; OAJSE (Open Access Journals Search Engine); CiteFactor (Academic Scientific Journals); SEESAmE Publications; Socolar; ICI Journals Master List – Index Copernicus); these journals have their own editorial board, which developed from the editorial board established originally by the founders of the journals.
THE PURPOSE OF LUMEN Scientific Publishing House
The purpose of LUMEN Scientific Publishing is to promote excellence in the scientific and cultural field, by publishing and promoting scientific results and cultural creations of particular value in the fields: humanistic, social, cultural creations, especially written culture, as well as in other scientific, technical fields etc. LUMEN Scientific Publishing actively supports young researchers, giving special importance to beginners.
THE OBJECTIVES OF LUMEN Scientific Publishing
The objectives of LUMEN Scientific Publishing are:
- Publication and promotion of the results obtained within LUMEN Research Center in Social and Humanistic Sciences;
- Publication of representative works in the fields:
– scientific, especially in the social sciences, without excluding the other fields of science and technology;
– humanistic: literature and art, etc.
- Quality assurance at excellency standards, both for content and for form;
- Promoting book series, publications and volumes, both nationally and internationally;
- Development of research and creative centers around the book series and publications of LUMEN Scientific Publishing House or of the partner publications, within the LUMEN Media Group;
- Development of LUMEN Scientific Publishing‘s international relations, including through the development of subsidiaries, work points and representations in the country and abroad;
- The publishing house intends to rank in the next 10 years between the first 3 scientific publishers in the country in terms of scientific quality and the visibility of the publisher, and among the first 200 worldwide. To achieve this objective, LUMEN Scientific Publishing will develop and strengthen relations with universities and research institutions in the country and abroad, developing a network of partnerships in the field of promoting editorial excellence. It will be involved in the publication and capitalization of research results, especially in the social and humanistic field. It will attract, both in the group of reviewers, in the editorial teams of the publications, as well as authors who publish constantly at LUMEN Scientific Publishing, as many personalities from the country and abroad, paying special attention to the valuable young people, including those who are at debut.
- LUMEN Scientific Publishing will make constant efforts to create a core of valuable authors, which will publish constantly within the book programs of LUMEN Scientific Publishing and its journals.
- The presence of a book published by LUMEN Scientific Publishing House in all the central university libraries and in all the county libraries;
- The presence of books and publications of LUMEN Scientific Publishing in the libraries of the main universities in the European Union and in the United States of America, by expanding the already existing network;
- Existence of LUMEN books and publications in at least 70% of the libraries of universities in the country, by expanding the already existing network;
- Sending the news catalogs to all the central university and county libraries and to all the libraries with which LUMEN Scientific Publishing has a contract, by extending the already existing network;
- The presence of LUMEN Publishing books on Amazon.com, as our readers have already become accustomed to;
- To conclude partnerships with private broadcasters or broadcast networks in the European Union, the United States of America and the rest of the world, by expanding the existing network;
- Encouraging the publication of books in foreign languages;
- The gradual shifting of all scientific serial publications of LUMEN Scientific Publishing to the English publishing language (at present, 90% of the serial publications of LUMEN Scientific Publishing are in English);
- Encouraging collective publications and proceedings, at least in part, in a foreign language, preferably English;
- The publication of bilingual editions of already published books;
- Publication of abstracts of all volumes and their distribution in Romanian and English on the Internet;
- Development of open source systems for all serial publications of LUMEN Scientific Publishing (currently, all LUMEN Publishing’s journals are published in open access system, as well as the proceedings volumes);
- Development of the network of serial and periodical publications of scientific and cultural character and their indexation in international databases (at present LUMEN Scientific Publishing publishes 17 scientific journals, of which 2 are indexed ISI Clarivate Analytics and the rest indexed by at least 3 international databases)
- In the next 3 years, at least 3 other publications of LUMEN Scientific Publishing House will be indexed ISI Clarivate Analytics;
- Particular attention will be devoted to the development and promotion of serial scientific publications, following the model of the Romanian Journal for Multidimensional Education, already indexed by ISI Clarivate Analytics.
last updated | 07.02.2024