Investigations Regarding the Opinions of Researchers from the Scientific Research System of Romanian Academy upon the Results Periodically Reported


  • Meda V GÂLEA Al. I. Cuza University of Iasi, Doctoral School of Economics and Business Administration



Romanian Academy, scientific research, management, scientific results,


The present paper aims to introduce several considerations regarding the shape, content and importance of the results obtained from the scientific research activity in the Romanian Academy as they are appreciated by the specialized personnel within the system. The study commences from the observations which adhere to the uniformity of the introduction manner of the research results across the entire national system of research-development from the international regulatory laws and the observations related to the different structure of results monitored and reported by the Romanian Academy. A proper management of the results obtained from the scientific research activity contributes, among others, to the assessment of the activities run by researches on personal level and further more to those run on institutional and national level. The results are elements of support for the analysis mode in which the system operates and they provide the basis of the next financing distribution. Thus, we regard as significant the special stress put on adjusting the manner of results presentation to the internationally agreed manner, in pusuit of visibility, competitiveness, comparability and increasing impact of the final outcomes upon the economic and social environment.


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How to Cite

GÂLEA, M. V. (2018). Investigations Regarding the Opinions of Researchers from the Scientific Research System of Romanian Academy upon the Results Periodically Reported. Journal for Ethics in Social Studies, 2(1), 82-104.

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