
  • Iulian APOSTU Ph. D. Scientific Researcher, Institute of Sociology of the Romanian Academy Associate Professor, Faculty of Sociology and Social Work, University of Bucharest


Referendum, marriage, consensual union, homoparentality, adoption.


The culture in which the individual is born and socialized will always impress upon him.
Analyzing the surface of social polemics about the "danger" of LGBT marriage, heterosexuality seems to be the main landmark of marital cohabitation, and minority alternatives seem to be a form of symbolic aggression that most feel sympathetic to accepting. Also, looking from the perspective of family protection actions through this ample national action, the referendum becomes more of an action to protect a simple concept of marriage than to protect the marital conjugal space, around which all fears about marriage are being developed (with all the "risks" of being "veiled" by same-sex couples claims). However, the legal modification of marriage only between man and woman does not protect conjugality from the "danger" of legalizing homosexual marital unions, nor from marriage-like rights such as adoption.
The study aims to analyze comparatively international laws on consensual union and marriage, insisting on socio-legal resources that express rights similar to marriage in the European space.


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How to Cite

APOSTU, I. (2018). CONCEPTUAL REFERENDUM- SOCIO-LEGAL ASPECTS AND SOCIAL CONSEQUENCES. Jurnalul De Studii Juridice, 13(1-2), 103-110. Retrieved from



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