Public versus Political Decision in Administrative Space
administration, decisions, community, socialAbstract
This article aims to make a brief review of some important issues related to the "opening" of the administration to citizens in Romania and to describe, briefly, some recent decisions taken by various local councils in large cities of Romania (such as Cluj-Napoca, Iasi, Craiova or Galati) and which testify to the willingness of local and central authorities to really address those on whom their decisions will really produce their effects. To our pleasant surprise, we found that in most cases the decisions taken in recent years at the local level in our country have dealt with issues that demonstrate the connection of local councils and mayors to issues of greatest interest to the community: urban planning issues, environmental quality, air quality, support for disadvantaged and sensitive groups in society or issues related to the chances of involving young people in the community. In the last 20 years the public sector offered citizens the opportunity to be actively involved in the life of the city and in the decision-making process, which demonstrates the approach of the Romanian authorities to the European trend of transparency in the decision-making environment, but also the application of the principle of subsidiarity as a fundamental principle of the Romanian administration.
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