Temporary Separation – A Form of Remedy versus a Step Towards Dissolution


  • Iulian Apostu PhD, Scientific Researcher, Institute of Sociology, Romanian Academy




conflict, separation, mediation, family, married couple


In the common mentality, the conjugal conflict is seen as being similar to scandal, but the scientific literature describes it as the moment that highlights the differences between partners. Therefore, the conflict can invite mediation or, on the contrary, scandal. Fear of the other's reactions, the sustained challenges that define a conflict framework make some partners create strategies to avoid or postpone discussions on marital issues. For a certain category of couples, one of the strategies used to escalate the conflict is temporary separation. The study aims to analyze what the general causes that stimulate temporary separation are and, of course, what the consequences that the decision of temporary separation had on the conjugal couple.


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How to Cite

Apostu, I. (2020). Temporary Separation – A Form of Remedy versus a Step Towards Dissolution. Journal of Mediation & Social Welfare, 2(1), 01-11. https://doi.org/10.18662/jmsw/2.1/8

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