Logical Errors in Boycotting the Family Referendum of 2018 in Romania


  • Anca Raluca Purcaru Universitatea Apollonia, Iasi




human rights, marriage, ideology, homosexuality, democracy,


The paper analyses a series of arguments that had as purpose to convince the population not to go to vote in the Referendum of October 2018 organized in Romania about redefining marriage as possible only between different sexes. As the law requested a 30% presence to be validated, the arguments final purpose was not to operate the constitutional changes. But a series of arguments, as convincing as they were, were not correct from a logical and philosophical point of view, as they led astray from the participation to the democratic vote process, the civic implication in establishing the rights of the citizen and refocused public attention from the question in order on the different political and religious organizations. The paper discusses the details.


Starea Naţiei. (2018a, October 4). [video file]. Retrieved from https://www.stareanatiei.ro/2018/10/sobolanul-frate-cu-romanul/?

Starea Naţiei. (2018b, May 8). [video file]. Retrieved from https://www.stareanatiei.ro/2018/05/familia-traditionala-se-intoarce/

Starea Naţiei. (2018c, September 13). [video file]. Retrieved from https://www.stareanatiei.ro/2018/09/referendum-pentru-mai-putinalibertate/

Starea Naţiei. (2018d, September 13). [video file]. Retrieved from https://www.stareanatiei.ro/2018/09/ne-place-prostia-daca-e-traditionala/

Starea Naţiei. (2018e, October 8). [video file]. Retrieved from https://www.stareanatiei.ro/2018/10/mandria-de-nu-mai-fi-fraieri/

Starea Naţiei. (2016, October 25). [video file]. Retrieved from https://www.facebook.com/StareaNatiei/videos/1132892503453012/ (“Intoleranţi, săraci şi inculţi”)




How to Cite

Purcaru, A. R. (2019). Logical Errors in Boycotting the Family Referendum of 2018 in Romania. Journal for Social Media Inquiry, 1(1), 23-30. https://doi.org/10.18662/jsmi/04

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