Emotional Contagion on Social Media Platforms: New Directions in Cognitive Science and Practice


  • Abiola Bamijoko-Okungbaye Zevo Health, Dublin, Ireland




emotional contagion, social media, mental disorders, cognitive science, well-being, philosophy


Social media platforms have been hypothesised to be a source of mental disorders to develop, and emotional contagion has been described as a precursor of these disorders. This paper systematically explores the key features of emotional contagion as a psychophysiological and behavioural experience required for the conversion of these disorders to propose an innovative characterisation of mental disorders on digital platforms as socially construed and value-laden phenomena.

Author Biography

Abiola Bamijoko-Okungbaye, Zevo Health, Dublin, Ireland

Researcher, division of Mental health and Philosophy . Sofia University.


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How to Cite

Bamijoko-Okungbaye, A. (2022). Emotional Contagion on Social Media Platforms: New Directions in Cognitive Science and Practice. Journal for Social Media Inquiry, 4(1), 01-14. https://doi.org/10.18662/jsmi/4.1/22

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