Review of the book „Statutul juridic și rolul organizaţiilor nonguvernamentale în guvernările democratice” [The legal status and role of non-governmental organizations in democratic governments], Author – Ciprian Gabriel Ungureanu, LUMEN Publishing, Iasi, 2024


  • Dumitrița Florea Associate professor PhD, Faculty of Law and Administrative Sciences, Ștefan cel Mare University, Suceava, România



book review, „Statutul juridic și rolul organizaţiilor nonguvernamentale în guvernările democratice, non-governmental organizations, democratic governments, Ciprian Gabriel Ungureanu, legal status


The present article represents a book review of the volume „Statutul juridic și rolul organizaţiilor nonguvernamentale în guvernările democratice” [The legal status and role of non-governmental organizations in democratic governments], authored by Ciprian Gabriel Ungureanu, published byLumen Publishing, in 2024. The work of the author Ciprian Gabriel Ungureanu reflects the concerns for the regulation of constitutional law analyzed through the lens of domestic law and the applicable comparative law in this field. His volume highlights the study of some aspects related to the role and functions of civil society, the organizational forms of civil society, the legal status of non-governmental organizations and the comparable element of non-governmental organizations in Romania and the Republic of Moldova (Ungureanu, 2015).


Costachi Gh., Ungureanu C. (2015). The role of non-governmental organizations in the context of the democratization of society. In: Osobennosti adaptații zaconodatelistva Moldovî i Ucrainî c zaconodatelistvu Evropeiscogo Soiuza, mejdunarodnaia naucino-practicescaia conferenția, 27-28 marta 2015 g. Chișinev, 2015, s. 20 (s. 41-46). [Adaptation characteristics of the laws of Moldova and Ukraine to the legislation of the European Union, International Scientific-practical Conference, March 27-28, 2015 Chisinau, 2015, p. 20 (p. 41-46)].

Jura, C. (2003). The role of non-governmental organizations on the international level. ALL BECK.

Raţă, N. (2007). Advocacy and influencing public policies. A guide for non-governmental organizations. Anima

Ungureanu, C. (2015) The association phenomenon in the Republic of Moldova. National Law Review, 2: 48-52.

Ungureanu, C. (2024) Statutul juridic și rolul organizaţiilor nonguvernamentale în guvernările democratice [The legal status and role of non-governmental organizations in democratic governments]. LUMEN




How to Cite

Florea, D. (2024). Review of the book „Statutul juridic și rolul organizaţiilor nonguvernamentale în guvernările democratice” [The legal status and role of non-governmental organizations in democratic governments], Author – Ciprian Gabriel Ungureanu, LUMEN Publishing, Iasi, 2024. Logos Universality Mentality Education Novelty: Law, 12(1), 75-78.

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